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Film Codes and Conventions Essay: Analyse, compare, and contrast the codes and conventions of one film from ‘Category A’ and one film from ‘Category B’.

The task: Analyse, compare, and contrast the codes and conventions of one film from ‘Category A’ and one film from ‘Category B’.

Category A – Titanic or Citizen Kane
Category B – Breathless or Bande a part
Your analysis should address the following codes, conventions, and elements as appropriate to your chosen films:

Shot size,
Shot duration,
Framing / composition,
Camera movement,
Camera angle,
Camera height,
Focus (the depth of field),
Editing techniques (continuity editing, discontinuity editing, jump cuts, rhythm and pace, etc.)
Point of view,
The mobile frame (the movement within and of the frame that causes the interplay of on-screen and off-screen space),
Mise-en-scene (sets, lighting, props, costume, the behaviour / position / movement of the figures).
Importantly – how these elements combine and relate to each other, or conflict with each other.
Assessment Criteria (for both the written essay and the video essay / script):

1. Analysis of film codes and conventions to show how these create meaning and engage the audience (Film A).
2. Analysis of film codes and conventions to show how these create meaning and engage the audience (Film B).
3. Ability to compare and contrast the codes and conventions of Film A and B.
4. Essay structure, academic writing conventions, bibliography, references, spelling, punctuation, grammar.

FURTHER ADVICE – Please consider the following tips and advice carefully

The following questions can help prompt your analysis:

How do the elements combine to create meaning or create ambiguity?
How do these elements combine to engage or distance the audience?
How do these elements combine to further the narrative or to disrupt the narrative?
Which elements are more dominant? What effect does this have?
What atmosphere or mood is created using these techniques?
What kind of response does the film attempt to evoke in the audience? How do the elements cue the audience to respond?
Are there any key visual motifs? Are any elements or patterns repeated? What effect does this have?
Are the elements used consistently throughout the film, or are there shifts? What effect does this have?
How does the sound relate to the image?
How do the elements suggest the passing of time?
How do the elements suggest character motivation?
How do these elements inform us about the nature of the characters?
How do these elements inform us about the setting?
What are the main points of difference between the two films in terms of the way codes and conventions have been used?
Other important tips:

Discuss the scenes that best illustrate your arguments (you may focus on 2-4 key scenes rather than the whole film).
Aim for a detailed and in depth analysis, rather than being general.
Use correct film terminology.
Use formal academic writing conventions and essay structure.
You are expected to undertake research beyond the prescribed readings.
Use appropriate academic referencing and a bibliography / filmography for any sources.
Online movie reviews and Wikipedia are not appropriate research material for this assignment. Be critical of the authority and validity of your sources.
Do not simply summarise the narrative of the film or simply describe the scenes. Be analytical, critical, and scholarly.

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