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Explain the concept of natural rights. Choose three Amendments and explain how each one helps protect people’s natural rights.

Key Principles of the U.S. Constitution – Recall the five key principles of the U.S. Constitution from Section 3.7. Describe one of those basic principles and at least one specific example of it in practice in U.S. history.

Natural Rights – An underlying principle of the U.S. Constitution is the protection of people’s natural rights. Explain the concept of natural rights. Choose three Amendments and explain how each one helps protect people’s natural rights.

Important Invention – Identify an invention that profoundly changed daily American life in the 19th century and explain its impact.

List your textbook on the reference page as follows: there should be 2 to 3 additional references besides the one below

U.S. History. (2020). https://www.excelhighschool.com

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