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Select one or more stories in the Articles for Discussion 2 and discuss how they could be used in a current situation in your internship, job or desired career. How would anything in one of those articles (or anything discussed in that folder) help your career?

In Section 2, select one or more stories in the Articles for Discussion 2 and discuss how they could be used in a current situation in your internship, job or desired career. How would anything in one of those articles (or anything discussed in that folder) help your career?

Note: in 2019 I am changing the discussions to be more of a creative exercise, where students take what they are reading about and apply it, or at least, imagine applying it to situations, or a class of situations, speaking generally. That should make more interesting discussions that provide insight for students and more interesting reading and grading for your Lecturer – ha!

In other words, I want to bring the humanities back into Analytics (not that it ever left!) If you’re stumped, tell me a story about how something you read out might develop into the next thing in Web Analytics, or business, in general.

The best analysts are great storytellers! They know how to tell a story with data, but its also a story that appeals to people who they have to deliver their insights their stakeholders.




My friend’s discussion2 exmaple:
In my past internships, I did not utilize these techniques (Web Analytics) and strategies to run a business. I was more doing back office work using Excel, bookkeeping software, and reading financial statements. However, during my undergraduate career here at Baruch, I was part of Sigma Alpha Delta Honor Society. While my time there, I was the Vice Chair of Public Relations. On a weekly basis, I used MailChimp to create and distribute weekly newsletters to over 2,000 prospective members in order to increase participation in our events. On that platform, I learned about the percentages of the members who actually clicked on the newsletters or not. If I knew the time they spent on the page, traffic, bounce rate, or the amount of clicks, then I would have a better understanding of the members.

I believe with what the article “Beyond Page Views: How to Use Metrics that Matter”, which mentioned that audience engagement is crucial. With understanding what our customers (students) need, we know how to market ourselves. So, we had events on interviewing skills, cover letters, and resume reviews. We knew that these were the needs of our target audience. Another point that I took away from this article was that it is important to keep and focus on loyal readers or visitors. It is costlier to find new customers than to keep good relationship with the ones you have already. Similarly, it is cost effective to invest more in current employee than to hire a new employee and to train the new employee all over again.

In the future, I might open my own firm and I would need to use Google Analytics or Web Analytics to help me figure out where to get my clients. Or I might get into Investor Relations. I think it’s a pretty cool area to be in and keep connected with investors and to find new investors.

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