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Does it indicate an acceptable tertiary level in the use of grammar, syntax and language skills? Does it illustrate depth and diversity in researching techniques?

DEVELOPMENT OF ARGUMENT (25%) ● Does the text develop the main ideas of the argument logically and coherently? ● Does it show evidence of critical analysis and debate? ● Does it suggest diversity of opinion (comparative or counter-arguments written by other authors, e.g. a balanced and objective viewpoint)? RESEARCH (25%) ● Does it contain topical […]

What are the assumptions of the author about its readers?

Step 1: Source Background: Who wrote it? Where did you find it? Other Views of topic/issue? What did you expect after the title? Step 2: the Source Itself What is the topic/issue? What is the thesis or argument? Evidence? What are the assumptions of the author about its readers? Step 3: Voracity of Writer Is […]

What are the central figures’ social responsibilities and how are they represented? Do they set an example to all members of their society or represent unique roles shared by a certain few?

Consider these questions when discussing the artworks: How is the figure’s identity or social standing conveyed to the viewer? Is this accomplished through placement, symbols, or his/her interaction with other figures in the scene or the viewer? What features or characteristics do these works share? How is the spatial environment represented? Is it two-dimensional or […]

What questions do you have? What have you learned from this webinar? What does Dale Upton mean when he says that monuments demonstrate a civic narrative?

Directions: After watching the webinar (2 hours), respond to the questions below. Use these questions to frame your essay. Do not respond to each question individually. Do the speakers think it is better to leave controversial statues and “rework” them or take them down? Which do you think is better? Why? LaVaughn Belle and Nicholas […]

Discuss why an artist might choose to create a mixed media work. Cite examples from the chapter in your analysis. Review Chapter 9 from the textbook.

Discuss why an artist might choose to create a mixed media work. Cite examples from the chapter in your analysis. Review Chapter 9 from the textbook. It must be minimum of 3 paragraphs. Apply what you know and analyze it. Make sure to re-read and make any spelling corrections before you submit. Note, if you […]

Reflect on your own experience and choose a part of the article that you are interested in to comment about it.

Write 200+ words Reading Summary, 300+ words Commentary for each article. Total 1100 words. Reading Summary • Use page numbers when quoting directly or when paraphrasing passages. Please note that I’ve carefully selected and included a key quote but that this assignment is not simply a paragraph of quotes strung together: 85-90% is your words. […]

How might the artist’s work fit within the history of modern art or the history of comics and cartooning? What is its significance to the larger story of visual art in the 20th century?

Your topic this week are prominent women illustrators and cartoonists from history. Pick one or a couple of artists to talk about in your paper this week. You may also speak about women as a whole in the field of illustration and comics art. Some questions to consider but feel free to pick a topic […]

What do you think the categories of “comics” or “high / low art” mean? What kinds of artistic, cultural, political, or social connotations does the label of “comics” imply?

In your short response, you should respond to the Huyssen Mass Culture Reading and offer some sustained reflection and engagement with the thorny political, ethical, and artistic horizons of comics art. Be sure to include an image or a specific reference to a work of art from class, and explain why that work seems significant. […]

What kinds of artistic, cultural, political, or social connotations does the label of “comics” imply? What does it mean to think of comics as a part of modern and contemporary art, and how does taking comics into account change the history we might tell about modern and contemporary art?

Your topic this week is George Herriman and his comic Krazy Kat. In your short response, you should strive to analyze a work of art, respond to one or more of our course readings, and/or offer some sustained reflection and engagement with the thorny political, ethical, and artistic horizons of comics art. Be sure to […]

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