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Are the primary ways that we perceive PMS evolutionary, biological or cultural?

Read: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4211719/ https://www.self.com/story/male-period-trans-model-kenny-jones Watch: Navigate to chapter 5 in MindTap. Go to “The Female Maturation Cycle” unit, and then go to “The Female Maturation Cycle” text. Video is included in the reading. Prompt: Many men and women in the video felt that PMS is an individual experience. Knowing that there are indeed hormonal changes occurring […]

Write the genotypes for all individuals, from left to right, (use “A” to represent a dominant allele & “a” to represent a recessive allele).

Genetics Assignment 2 (Pedigree Analysis) Complete the assignment and submit to the assignment 2 drop box. Pedigree Practice Question 1 Answer the questions about the pedigree chart below. In the pedigree chart below, the filled symbols represent individuals who express a given trait -circles are females, squares are males. If each line represents one generation… […]

Were the prokaryotic cells affected by the drug treatment?  Briefly explain how you know this information.  You must refer to the graph as part of your answer.

ASSIGNMENT Answer the following questions to the best of your ability; this exercise is worth 30 points and must be uploaded to Canvas by midnight on Friday of Week 4 (Jan. 27th).  You may work together with a group to complete this exercise, but everyone must submit their completed problem sets separately.  Please note that […]

Pick a favorite species of plant or non-human animal and find a peer-reviewed journal article about some aspect of that species’ evolution.

ASSIGNMENT Pick a favorite species of plant or non-human animal and find a peer-reviewed journal article about some aspect of that species’ evolution. Your post must include the following: Common and Scientific name of the species Complete citation for the journal article (MLA or APA format) 1-2 sentences on why you are interested in this […]

What is the per capita rate of increase for this black bear population?

Biology Questions In one year, biologists tracking a bear population counted 33 new bear cubs in a population of 546 bears. 1. Calculate the birth rate (b) of this population. 2. In the same year, the biologists counted 28 black bear deaths. Calculate the death rate for this population. 3. What is the per capita […]

Predict how the cell membranes of a lizard’s cells might change from winter to summer with respect to the amount of cholesterol they contain. Justify your predictions.

Biology Lizards are sometimes called “cold-blooded” because they depend on the surrounding temperatures to keep themselves warm. Predict how the cell membranes of a lizard’s cells might change from winter to summer with respect to the amount of cholesterol they contain. Justify your predictions.

What kind of impact does this practice have?What are the top considerations in implementing this strategy in your community?

Biology Best Practices for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programs | CDC | DHDSPOn this website, select one of the best practice strategies. Within each practice strategy, you will find three tabs: evidence of effectiveness, evidence of impact, and implementation considerations. In your initial post, use these key categories to address the following question:How effective is this […]

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