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What would happen to the enzyme’s affinity for cyclic AMP if the enzyme’s active site had a missense mutation that changed the Serine residues (orange and dark green) to Threonine?  Briefly explain your answer.

Protein Folding Part I:  Protein Folding The shiga-like toxin (ST) is a protein-based toxin produced by the bacterium Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), which is the causative agent responsible for most cases of bloody diarrhea.  Believe it or not, much of the disease symptoms associated with EHEC infection derives from the cytotoxic effects of ST, whose […]

Given that the GOI product is a phosphatase, would you assume that the reaction shown above is exergonic or endergonic? Explain your reasoning.

Biochemical Pathways Below are representative transmission electron micrographs (TEM) of the WT and mutant P. gingivalis strains as well as quantitative data that measures the quantity of OMVs produced by these bacterial strains.  To generate the graph, please note that the Alaei lab used a fluorescent probe to quantitate the relative levels of OMVs produced […]

Why are electrons delivered via NADH more valuable than those delivered to the ETC via FADH2?

Lab 7:  Understanding Cellular Respiration  LAB GOALS: To understand the logic of the process of cellular respiration. To conquer the fear and loathing of navigating these biochemical processes & pathways!  OUTLINE: Overview and Introduction Glycolysis Krebs Cycle Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation Putting it all together! INTRODUCTION: Today we are going to use simple problem-solving […]

Prepare a Career Research in Marine Biology

ASSIGNMENT Prepare a Career Research in Marine Biology. Career Research 1. Paper: MLA formatting, 1″ margins, double spaced, 12 pt font in Times New Roman or Garamond, 2 page minimum 2. Presentation: 3-5 minutes with visual aids such as poster or power point. 3. Flyer: recruitment information 4. Paper/presentation/flyer requirements: a. Career field with specific […]

Are there any parts of the human body that get oxygen directly from the air and not from the blood?

Cell respiratory JO, Biology Are gender traits completely a result of societal expectations? Are there any parts of the human body that get oxygen directly from the air and not from the blood? Are there nuclear reactions going on in our bodies? Can humans ever directly see a photon? Can I turn my cat into […]

Post an original commentary on case-control research in epidemiological study designs. Provide article for case control research.

ASSIGNMENT The epidemiological study design of case-control research Post an original commentary on case-control research in epidemiological study designs. Provide article for case control research.

Explain the 5 key elements in the definition of “Epidemiology”.-Describe the criteria for a “good” hypothesis.

Epidemiology 1a) Explain the 5 key elements in the definition of “Epidemiology”. 1b) Interpret how each element enhances and completes the definition. In your own words, explain the relationship between the disciplines of public health and epidemiology and their relevance to the field of medicine. We reviewed the accomplishments of several key individuals and findings […]

What skills and knowledge related to the course topics do you currently have?-What do you want to learn during this course?

TASK Part 1: Current skills: What skills and knowledge related to the course topics do you currently have? Want to Learn: What do you want to learn during this course? Your success: How will you determine whether this course has been successful for you?

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