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Criminology Wrongful Conviction: Critically engage and review materials related to the topics presented in weeks 2-3.

Instructions The Assignment Brief This task requires students to critically engage and review materials related to the topics presented in weeks 2-3. Students are required to write a ‘Critical Review’ Each ‘Critical Review’ should be 400 words in length (+/- 10%). This assessment is in two parts: Select weeks 2 and 3 presented in the course […]

What do you find most surprising, challenging, or interesting about Transphobic Hate crime toward people who are transgender or transsexual?

Instruct (SP 6)-Journal- Transphobic Hate Crimes Write in APA format, 12 font size, Times Roman 1. What is Transphobic Hate Crimes? 2. What is Transgender and transsexual? 3. What do you find most surprising, challenging, or interesting about Transphobic Hate crime toward people who are transgender or transsexual? 4. What laws (if any) are available […]

Describe the specific factors that make it a hate crime for the 4 bullet points listed of people.

Instruct (SP 6)-APP- Hate Crimes Write in APA format, 12 font size, Times Roman Define Hate crimes in general ( no less than 1 paragraph ) Describe the specific factors that make it a hate crime for the 4 bullet points listed of people. Matthew Shepard (no less than paragraph) Charleston church shooting (no less […]

Cyber Threats: Provide a thread in response to the provided topic for each forum.

Discussion Board Forums The student is required to provide a thread in response to the provided topic for each forum. Each thread is to be at least 275 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least […]

Find two (2) journal articles relating to the impact of Security Threat Groups (STGs), on prison operations. Identify at least two reasons why inmates join a Security Threat Group. Explain the management issues that are created by the presence of STGs.

PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS BELOW Project 1: Research an Issue in Corrections Topic: Security Threat Group Management No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations. Important: Before beginning this assignment, read all of the assignments for the course. In Project […]

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