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Prepare a report of 5 to 10 pages, double spaced, 12 point font, with analysis, exhibits, charts, trends, critiques, and references.

Project Report Prepare a report of 5 to 10 pages, double spaced, 12 point font, with analysis, exhibits, charts, trends, critiques, and references. The project will be graded based on your team knowledge of the subject matter, incorporating information obtained through our weekly online Discussion Forum Prompts. Sources of Data The following are among the […]

Research the trickster characters from three different cultures

Research the trickster characters from three different cultures This will be a Research Paper. You will need to research the trickster characters from three different cultures of your choosing. Each of your body paragraphs should include the following: The Trickster’s name The culture the myth came from The traits of the particular Trickster A summary […]

Apart from those discussed in the podcast, what other types of projects may have similar eithical concerns.

REFLECTION for ETHICS Listen to the 99 Percent Invisible podcast episode entitled “The Architect’s Code.” Here is the link: https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/episode-80-… Write a 250-word minimum reflection that addresses the following items: What is the ethical issue discussed in this episode? Is an architect responsible for the use (both intended and unintended) of their designs? Apart from […]

How to improve the place you work ?-Write a five-paragraph essay about one of the following topics.

How to improve the place you work ? Process writing involves demonstrating the steps it takes to complete the process. Write a five-paragraph essay about one of the following topics. For many of the prompt choices, the topic is very broad, so it will need to be narrowed enough to be appropriate for a five-paragraph […]

Watch the TedTalk, “What the US health care system assumes about you”.

Health 204 Your Tasks Task 1 Watch the TedTalk, “What the US health care system assumes about you”. Task 2 Please answer the following questions: What were your thoughts regarding the TedTalk? (5 points) What are some ‘assumptions’ that were mentioned in the video? (5 points) What are examples of barriers that individuals may face […]

How would you explain access to healthcare and healthcare coverage as an individual’s right?

English Health 204 Introduction There are 4 different “moral arguments” that help to explain views on healthcare provision. Below is a brief definition of each. Utilitarian moral argument: to maximize the good and minimize the bad. Egalitarian moral argument: to act on the principle that all people are created equal. Contractarian moral argument: to act […]

In Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” is the grandmother sincere or insincere? From what you know about the story, develop an argument that supports your response.

“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor’s Choose two of the following questions and answer them by developing short arguments. Each response should include at least two paragraphs, topic sentences, and specific details from the stories. Indicate on your own paper which two questions you will be answering. In Flannery O’Connor’s “A […]

Create a list of all identifiable stakeholders associated with the problem you explored in the Researched Argument for Change.

Discussion broad Create a list of all identifiable stakeholders associated with the problem you explored in the Researched Argument for Change. Then, for each stakeholder, think about potential purposes for communicating with them (to persuade them to take action, to inform them of some aspect of the problem, to educate them that this problem exists, […]

How did the creation of each ethnic designation label correspond to the historical and political circumstances being experienced by that Latino group?

Assignment 11: Divergent Latino Identities: Mexican-American Political Elites and Andean South American Immigrants. Readings: Article: Laura E. Gomez, ‘The Birth of the ‘Hispanic’ Generation: Attitudes of Mexican-American Political Elites Toward the Hispanic Label,’ Latin American Perspectives (1992): 45-56. The Hispanic Generation Chapter: Marie Price, ‘Andean South Americans and Cultural Networks’ (in Christopher A. Airriess, ed., […]

Write a paragraph about the Saudi Tash Ma Tash series . Who usually watches the program? Why is it popular?

College 3; Level 2 , Unit 1 Level 2- Unit 1 – 6 different paragraphs, each paragraph consists of at least 11 sentences, with conditions applied 1 .Write a paragraph about a Saudi Kabsa and why it is popular . 2 .Write a paragraph about a Mansaf food and why it is popular. 3 .Write […]

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