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Write a 4 – 5 page paper explain on it Islam to an alien. Imagine an alien crash landing on Earth and wanting to learn more about one of the major belief systems.

TASK Write a 4 – 5 page paper explain on it Islam to an alien. Imagine an alien crash landing on Earth and wanting to learn more about one of the major belief systems. This alien knows nothing about religion, let alone Islam. Give a comprehensive overview and explanation of Islam in such a way […]

Many children’s media attempt to convey a message, lesson, or feeling to the child. What is the media trying to say or get across to the reader?

ASSIGNMENT Assess media sources directed at children. Either a children’s show or other forms of media. Focus on how children are portrayed, how children’s issues are addressed, or how the media is designed to appeal to or influence children. If there is a teaching component, think about if it is an effective method for teaching. […]

Summarize what you have learned as a result of the presentations and your participation.

ASSIGNMENT Summarize what you have learned as a result of the presentations and your participation. It should be a fairly in-depth narrative that explores the impact of moving differently, but the depth is also relative to the course length and purpose. The paper must be no less than two pages (not including your title/headings), typed, […]

Provide a 2 pages single-spaced, discussion and synthesis of the three articles. Be sure to include an argument that states the main idea of your discussion and synthesis

Synthesis of 3 articles Provide a 2 pages single-spaced, discussion and synthesis of the three articles. Be sure to include an argument that states the main idea of your discussion and synthesis—this will likely be how the articles all relate to each other. You should also include supporting paragraphs with evidence from the articles that […]

Hay market-Describe the differences between perceived events and primary accounts from documents and witnesses.

Hay market The ARR paper should be in essay style and the general requirements are below. Central Quotation: In the first paragraph, quote a sentence or two from the readings for the week (articles/textbook, etc.) that you think best captures the author’s overall point with reference to a page number for where the quotation is […]

Evaluate their needs from a human services standpoint. How did they get into their current situation?

ASSIGNMENT Identify someone in need (a friend, family member, classmate, co-worker or individual from a place where you volunteer) and create a “Case Study” by providing information about your client as a whole person (not just their problem, but also their likes, hobbies, hopes, etc.). Evaluate their needs from a human services standpoint. How did […]

Discuss these differences. What are the crimes for which young women are arrested? Why do these differences exist?

Juvenile delinquent Instructions Juvenile female offending tends to take a “different shape” from the delinquency of their male counterparts. Discuss these differences. What are the crimes for which young women are arrested? Why do these differences exist? What are recent trends in terms of young women and juvenile delinquency? Given their different approach to delinquency, […]

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