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Define empathy and social awareness.

Empathy and Social Awareness Create a 2-page informational brochure/guide that is devoted to defining empathy and social awareness and explaining their value to Human Service Professionals and the clients they serve. Your informational brochure/guide should: Define empathy and social awareness. Provide explanations and examples of how they can be used to help Human Service Professionals […]

It is possible to read the entire Republic as Plato’s attempt to find a solution to one problem: corrupt politicians (or tyrants, in the extreme case). What is the key to politics, according to Plato?

Philosophy 1. We hear a lot of talk in the United States about the importance of freedom. On this issue, Plato seems quite alien, for the concept of freedom does not seem to come up much in the Republic. Yet one could argue that Plato is not only concerned with “freedom” but strongly in favor […]

What solution can we find to maintain a similar or higher level of safety on long-haul flights operated with only 2 pilots in the future?

1/ How are human factors affected when reducing the number of pilots on long-haul flights (more than 9h30) from 4 or 3 to only 2? What are the Risks? (example and reference from books) Definition of human factors to be used for this work: lack of communication, lack of teamwork, lack of assertiveness, complacency, fatigue, […]

Explain which philosophers you will use and why

Write an essay that addresses a philosophic issue of your choosing. Your topic is any issue you would like to explore that Plato and Aristotle addressed. Find a philosophical issue/ idea developed by a PreSocratic philosopher utilized or challenged by Plato and or Aristotle. In this case, give at least two examples, one from Plato […]

Is the timeline easy to understand? Does it read clearly and in a logical order?

Scenario: A valuable piece of technology testing equipment went missing from your company after arriving in a shipment. The same day, a seemingly identical item was posted for sale on an internet auction site. Three employees were present within the 90-minute window that the item went missing. You are the director of Viewpoint, the company’s […]

What data collection method would you choose to achieve the new proposed Objective? Justify your answer?

Write the title of the paper you would like to use in answering this assignment: • Answer the following questions: Section 1: a) What is the philosophical position used in this article? (2 marks) b) Why do you think the researcher/s adopted this philosophical position? Make sure you discuss the ontological and epistemological stances in […]

Should we regard someone as being moral when and only when they intentionally and rationally do what is right?

PROMPT Respond to ONE of these questions: Focus on Kant’s belief that because we can choose to act in accordance to our Reason, we should. Do you believe that we have a duty to be rational, especially in our moral judgments? Or is morality something that cannot or should not be subject to rational argument? […]

Describe a ritual that is already part of your life.

Philosophy Personal list #1: list aspects of yourself that you would like to change Personal list #2: list aspects of your life that you would like to change Personal list #3: list situations in the world that you would like to change make your lists with focus and a determined personal commitment to seriously engage […]

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