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Discuss forces in physics in soccer (kicking ball) and in long jump.

Discuss forces in physics in soccer (kicking ball) and in long jump. Must be on the forces in physics used in soccer(kicking the ball and long jump You need to turn in a 750 word (about 1.5 pages), 12 point font, single spaced, typed ) Term Paper describing the thought process and science behind your […]

1) Reduce the partial derivative (πœ•ΞΌπœ•π‘)𝑓. The answer must be in terms of the thermodynamic properties 𝛼,π‘π‘ƒπ‘Žπ‘›π‘‘π‘˜π‘‡

1) Reduce the partial derivative (πœ•ΞΌπœ•π‘)𝑓. The answer must be in terms of the thermodynamic properties 𝛼,π‘π‘ƒπ‘Žπ‘›π‘‘π‘˜π‘‡.2) A particular system, containing 1 mol, is taken from state A to state B through a process that obeys 𝑃𝑣1/2=π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘ π‘‘.Knowing that during this process 𝛼=π‘Žπ‘ƒβˆ’1, π‘˜π‘‡=𝑏and 𝑐𝑃=𝑐𝑣2are known and π‘Ž,𝑏,𝑐are positive constants, determine the temperature variation of this […]

What is a pigment absorption spectra? How do rod and cone pigment absorption spectra compare, and what is their relationship to rod and cone spectral sensitivity?

1) How do the rods and cones differ in the way they respond to light? 2) What is spectral sensitivity? How is a cone spectral sensitivity curve determined? A rod spectral sensitivity curve? 3) What is a pigment absorption spectra? How do rod and cone pigment absorption spectra compare, and what is their relationship to […]

Describe the research idea, the proposed approach, and resources needed to accomplish the research goal, including access to national facilities or collections, collaborations, overseas work, etc.Β 

Graduate Research Plan Statement NOTE:Β  This document has been formatted to the format requirements in the solicitation [Times New Roman for all text, Cambria Math font for equations, and Symbol font for non-alphabetic characters (it is recommended that equations and symbols be inserted as an image), no smaller than 11-pt (except text that is part […]

Create separate graphs for position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time. For each of these graphs, there should be the x-component and the y-component on the same set of axes.

In this lab, you will investigate the motion of an object that is moving in a plane, but not in a straight line. Create a short video of an object moving in two dimensions. You will need at least 30 frames of the object moving. Convert your video to a format LoggerPro can use. When […]

Create separate graphs for position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time.

Using logger pro to analyze a video. Create separate graphs for position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time. For each of these graphs, there should be the x-component and the y-component on the same set of axes. Put appropriate best-fits all 6 graphs.

Identify the two topics in this lesson that you found most interesting and important, and explain why. Provide a brief but comprehensive overview of those two topics to demonstrate your understanding.

Think about the six main topics addressed in this lesson: force and motion, the nature of matter, theories of sound, aspects of light, how electricity works, and magnetism. Identify the two topics in this lesson that you found most interesting and important, and explain why. Provide a brief but comprehensive overview of those two topics […]

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