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Is the current crisis of liberal world order a crisis of US authority or reflective of a broader crisis of liberalism?Discuss

Description 1. Is the current crisis of liberal world order a crisis of US authority or reflective of a broader crisis of liberalism? 2. Can the current crisis of liberal world order be understood without taking into account colonialism? 3. What is the role of Trump in the current crisis of liberal world order? 4. […]

‘The nature and extent of key economic reforms in India since the 1980s have been largely determined by domestic political considerations rather than external factors.’ Critically analyse the statement using relevant theoretical insights and evidence.

1)To what extent has the judiciary influenced policy making and governance in India? Discuss using appropriate evidence. 2. ‘The bureaucracy in India is generally seen to be elite, inefficient and unresponsive.’ Critically evaluate this statement with reference to various issues currently facing the Indian bureaucracy, and reforms needed to make it more effective. 3. ‘Although […]

Has the modern Court unduly burdened the free exercise of religion or unduly assisted it, in ways that improperly impede legitimate government goals?

Description Write this in 275 words Has the modern Court unduly burdened the free exercise of religion or unduly assisted it, in ways that improperly impede legitimate government goals? Consider with reference to at least three cases of the followings: Engel v. Vitale, Sherbert v. Verner, Wisconsin v. Yoder, Employment Division v. Smith, Zelman v. […]

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