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Has the modern Court unduly burdened the free exercise of religion or unduly assisted it, in ways that improperly impede legitimate government goals?

Description Write this in 275 words Has the modern Court unduly burdened the free exercise of religion or unduly assisted it, in ways that improperly impede legitimate government goals? Consider with reference to at least three cases of the followings: Engel v. Vitale, Sherbert v. Verner, Wisconsin v. Yoder, Employment Division v. Smith, Zelman v. […]

Describe the role of a probation officer. What are the norms and values associated with this work?

Describe the role of a probation officer. What are the norms and values associated with this work? Include those that can be regarded as legitimate, as well as, those regarded as illegitimate. What are the sources of these norms and values? How do education, training and the work experience influence them?

Discuss a leader that you admire and what has made that person effective within this context.

Leadership and Authority The topic of great or not so great leaders is the stuff that floods newspapers, best selling book lists, the History Channel, social media, college courses… we talk about it alot. According to the text, authority or leadership comes down to this: 1) Authority refers to power that people accept as legitimate […]

Explain how this person uses/used power, influence, and authority to achieve his/her accomplishments in the field.

Explain how this person uses/used power, influence, and authority to achieve his/her accomplishments in the field. Horace Mann was a politician he began with being a lawyer and a legislator who also worked on reforming education to help better teaching and student learning. While working on his new rules to reform the school he was […]

What claims were made? Do you believe the claims are truthful and legitimate? How do you, as a consumer, distinguish between what is truthful and what is deceptive?

One of the industries closely watched by the Federal Trade Commission is the weight-loss industry. Find three advertisements from the U.S. magazines, newspapers, or television that deal with weight loss. What claims were made? Do you believe the claims are truthful and legitimate? How do you, as a consumer, distinguish between what is truthful and […]

Critically discuss this statement and in particular consider whether the respective bargaining power of the employer and employee should be relevant to the question of severance of restraint of trade covenants in employment contracts.

1. “High-ranking employees can do particular damage to the legitimate interests of their employers following termination of their employment; and it may be that, when they enter into their post- employment covenants, they are able to negotiate with their employers on nearly an equal footing…. It is clearly common practice for an employer to present […]

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