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War is the continuation of politics by other means’ wrote Karl von Clausewitz in 1833 in his book ‘On War`Critically discuss why states become belligerent in contemporary times..

**As mentioned in the question, ‘War is the continuation of politics by other means’ wrote Karl von Clausewitz in 1833 in his book ‘On War’. – Causes of belligerent states are far more complex in contemporary times than in 19th century. The essay will need to identify the differences. – Identify causes of belligerent states […]

Describe what you would fight to change about Texas as a powerful new economic interest. Now that you have studied Texas Government, will you support the move? Why or why not? What changes would you work for as a powerful new special interest?

Based on economic policies of Texas that include taxation and spending, create an email response to your Board giving them your recommendation on the move and explain why. Select at least one of the additional criteria listed below to add to this discussion. Based on this, do you support the move? Why or why not? […]

Reflect on what these patterns say about the nature of representation. Why do some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress?

Research the proportion of women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and openly gay or lesbian members of Congress. Reflect on what these patterns say about the nature of representation. Why do some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress? Why do you see a trend in which more women and minorities are […]

To what extent was concealing the true intent of economic ideas and philosophies a defining feature of Trump and or Brexit campaigns, and why might this be a favoured strategy of political actors on the right in the Twenty First century?Explain

Explain and account for the enduring resilience of ‘neoliberalism’ and assess its future prospects. To what extent was concealing the true intent of economic ideas and philosophies a defining feature of Trump and or Brexit campaigns, and why might this be a favoured strategy of political actors on the right in the Twenty First century? […]

Discuss about coverage isssue. why insurance industrial not successful in Texas. Why Texas not support ACA, medical?

Description Talking about coverage isssue. why insurance industrial not successful in Texas. Why Texas not support ACA, medical? explanations of the costs & the reasons Texas did not expand Medicaid [the logic for not having medical specialists in small towns/rural areas needs to be revisited].

Compare these sections to the equivalent section in the United States Bill of Rights. List differences, if any.

Go online and look up your state constitution(OHIO). Choose three state sections such as religious freedom, freedom of the press, etc. and discuss the guidelines for each. Compare these sections to the equivalent section in the United States Bill of Rights. List differences, if any.

Experts disagree as to the threat from rouge nations with nuclear weapons (North Korea, Pakistan, Iran in the future, etc.) providing those weapons to non-state actors. Do you think that this is a concern or are nation states not willing to cross this line?

Description Experts disagree as to the threat from rouge nations with nuclear weapons (North Korea, Pakistan, Iran in the future, etc.) providing those weapons to non-state actors. Do you think that this is a concern or are nation states not willing to cross this line?

Discuss : How can a wealthy class persuade poverty to keep the wealthy class in power?

Description Topic: The Enigma of Conservatism: Barry Goldwater and the Ideological Shift of the American Right-Wing Discuss : How can a wealthy class persuade poverty to keep the wealthy class in power? Here in lies the who art of Conservative Politics in the twentieth century –starting with Barry Goldwater. The American far-right steadily accreted new […]

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