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Take a look at the foundations of the social contract in both Hobbes and Locke. How do their different assumptions about human nature and the state of nature inform their theories? How does this result in their different conceptions of civil society/government?

1.) In The Prince, Machiavelli writes: “And let no one resist my opinion on this with that trite proverb, that whoever founds on the people founds on mud.” According to Machiavelli, how should a prince “found on the people”? How does his advice ultimately benefit the people? 2.) Take a look at the foundations of […]

Explain how the Change in economic conditions of the Afrikaners, changed their perception of the need of an Apartheid society. Explain how this further impacted the ideological polarities of Apartheid.

Description Mention the role of Henriick Verwoerd in constructing an apartheid society and how this streghthed Afrikaner unity. Explain how the Change in economic conditions of the Afrikaners, changed their perception of the need of an Apartheid society. Explain how this further impacted the ideological polarities of Apartheid. Explain how a departure from seeing the […]

What are the various “sides” to the issue, and who are the players associated with each side? For example, what interest groups, political parties, public opinion polls, or individuals have emerged related to your topic?

FORMAT: The only guidelines here will be that the paper must be at least five to seven pages long, double spaced and it should have one inch margins. Make a title page. Use font size 10-12 pt. You need to have a separate bibliography showing your sources in detail… You will be required to prepare […]

s the content located within a particular school of thought or ideological positioning? Could you locate it within a debate? Are there other views presented elsewhere that support or counter the views in your sources?

Description ASSESSMENT INFO: How do the sources that you are reviewing relate to each other and to other things that you have read? Is the information provided comprehensive or partial? What else would you need to know to have a full appreciation of the subject matter? Is the content located within a particular school of […]

Discuss Lee Kuan Yew (former prime minster of Singapore),stressing on his leadership skills and the way he transformed Singapore.

Description Essay on Lee Kuan Yew (former prime minster of Singapore), in maximum of 250 words (strictly 250). stressing on his leadership skills and the way he transformed Singapore. kindly avoiding writing unnecessary things like birth date/place. and divide it in paragraphs.

Compare the way in which we elect Presidents in our current system to the proposal of the National Popular Vote movement. Which method is superior? Explain

The U.S. Constitution stipulates that Electors will vote for the office of President and Vice President, what we commonly refer to as the Electoral College. Two times in the 21st century the candidate with the most popular votes across the United States has not won the most votes in the Electoral College, hence losing the […]

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