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After answering the questions, you will need to create a presentation. In the presentation, add the following items in your presentation.

Assistance with Case Study Presentation This case study explains three different transit companies that Bob’s Custom BBQs is considering to use. You are to calculate their performance scores and analyze which one will best serve Bob’s Custom BBQs. You are to read this case study and answer all three questions. After answering the questions, you […]

Is That Ethical?-Choose one of the rules listed in Figure 1.1. Then, provide an example of a time at work when you followed the selected rule.

Is That Ethical? In the Learning Activity “Identifying Ethical Issues,” choose one of the rules listed in Figure 1.1. Then, provide an example of a time at work when you followed the selected rule. What was the outcome? Was it successful? Why or why not? Now, provide an example of a time at work when […]

From Zach Inman’s video, describe what you think were his two most important points not already covered by the readings.

Digital marketing What Makes a Good Website Read these articles: http://www.woodst.com/blog/wood-street-journal/web-site-design/what-makes-a-good-website-part-one-design/ https://www.woodst.com/web-design-development/what-makes-a-good-website-part-two-navigation/ http://www.woodst.com/blog/wood-street-journal/web-site-design/what-makes-a-good-website-part-three-usability/ https://www.woodst.com/seo-social-media-marketing/what-makes-a-good-website-part-four-seo/ https://www.woodst.com/seo-social-media-marketing/what-makes-a-good-website-part-five-conversion/ From the readings, what are five main points that make a great website? Define each of the five points. From Zach Inman’s video, describe what you think were his two most important points not already covered by the readings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG5Fjgs8vCs […]

What are the factors to consider in a corporation when deciding to outsource labor to developing countries?

Political, Legal, and Technical Decision-Making Using the Six Steps of Decision-Making framework from this week’s content, develop an essay responding to the following questions related to the case study Student Advocacy and “Sweatshop” Labor: The Case of Russell Athletic (p. 109). Recognize decision requirement: What are the factors to consider in a corporation when deciding […]

What were the most important lessons learned in this module?-What was the most difficult point or concept in this lesson?

ASSIGNMENT Instructions: A reflection journal provides an opportunity to reflect on lessons learned in the module. Answer each question fully by providing specific examples from the textbook to support your answer. Chapters 5 and 6 1. What new insight did you gain after completing this module? 2. What were the most important lessons learned in […]

Outline and explain the common law actions for environmental damage and the difficulties in prevailing in such actions.

Environmental Law • Outline and explain the common law actions for environmental damage and the difficulties in prevailing in such actions. • Explain the major substantive provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act. • Explain the regulatory scheme of the Clean Air Act. • Explain the regulation of both point and non-point sources of pollution […]

What are the arguments that the work papers are protected from government summons?

ASSIGNMENT Arthur Young & Co., a firm of certified public accountants, was the independent auditor for Amerada Hess Corporation. During its review of Amerada’s financial statements as required by Federal securities laws, Young confirmed Amerada’s statement of its contingent tax liabilities and prepared tax accrual work papers. These work papers, which pertained to Young’s evaluation […]

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