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Should the police agencies investigate themselves or should outside agencies (state or federal) and/or civilian review boards be instituted?

Should the police agencies investigate themselves or should outside agencies (state or federal) and/or civilian review boards be instituted? Answer the following questions: 1. Briefly describe the nature of the problem/issue. (Carefully analyze the problem: myths vs. facts; pros vs. cons.) 2. Discuss the history of the issue. 3. Describe the extent of the problem/issue […]

Pick one election where the outcome of the popular vote and the electoral college vote differed to create an argument in favor of or opposed to the use of the electoral college. List at least three valid points to support your argument. Present your argument in a PowerPoint presentation.

The Electoral College was created to protect US citizens against mob rule. Mob rule is the control of a lawful government system by a mass of people through violence and intimidation. However, some Americans question the legitimacy of this process. Pick one election where the outcome of the popular vote and the electoral college vote […]

Discuss the relationship between black feminism and the concept of intersectionality. – use relevant readings from the materials supplied and reference. and use the structure help document called ‘essay advice’.

Intersectionality without women of colour is a train wreck’ (Crunk Collective). Discuss the relationship between black feminism and the concept of intersectionality. – use relevant readings from the materials supplied and reference. and use the structure help document called ‘essay advice’.

Is it always positive or it could impact negatively. What are the cases for negative impact. What is it missing/not covered in the literature review.

Read the below instruction and the outline carefully: •The dissertation should be done through a SYSTAMATIC REVIEW approach, please use the public resources only. •It addresses the impact of Cash Transfer Programmes (CTP)in the humanitarian context. The selected location for the research is the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). • Fill in the below outline […]

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