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Who is writing and why? What is the intended effect or goal? What is the main argument or central thesis of the text in a 1-2 sentence summary?

Choose a topic covered in the class.  Next focus on a set of at least FIVE (5) texts FROM THE SYLLABUS, including at least one designated as a ‘further’ reading/watching/listening on the syllabus.  You can draw on more sources but must at least use five from the syllabus. Write a short critical analysis in response […]

Is the ICC effective? What are the challenges to the powers of investigation and prosecution of the ICC? What are some examples of cases the ICC has successfully prosecuted?

The Court – Inside the International Criminal Court (1/5) (Links to an external site.) The Court – Inside the International Criminal Court (1/5) What Is The Hague And How Powerful Is It? (Links to an external site.) What Is The Hague And How Powerful Is It? Is The International Criminal Court Effective? (Links to an […]

Explain how you personally think the most reliable polling data is to be obtained. Give specific examples of short-comings in current methods and what you believe could be remedies.

Explain how you personally think the most reliable polling data is to be obtained. Give specific examples of short-comings in current methods and what you believe could be remedies.

Provide more discussion of each theoretical approach, discuss the problems associated with each, supply a critique, and summary.

The answer juxtaposes elitism and pluralism with a minor discussion of neo-liberalism or Marxism. The answer needs more clarification as well as an in-depth analysis of relevant theories. Student needs to provide more discussion of each theoretical approach, discuss the problems associated with each, supply a critique, and summary.

Describe the evolution of the American administrative state. What factors have contributed to its growth, and what efforts have been taken by the political branches of government to maintain control over it?

Provide answers to the following questions. In providing your answers, draw on appropriate material from the various assigned readings and lectures. Be sure to use excellent prose and grammar in providing your responses. Also, your essays should incorporate APA citation style guidelines in citing sources. Remember that if you use another author’s ideas you must […]

What are the most significant differences and similarities of the political theories developed by Thomas Hobbes and John Rawls?

Essay Question: What are the most significant differences and similarities of the political theories developed by Thomas Hobbes and John Rawls? Make sure that all sources used are academic only. If you quote, please make sure you reference it. Always reference anything thats not common knowledge.

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