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How would you structure a research project to determine “who governs” in a major city (e.g., Detroit, if you wish)? Define your terms carefully.  Be specific about theories you would test, your hypotheses, and research design and methodology.

How would you structure a research project to determine “who governs” in a major city (e.g., Detroit, if you wish)? Define your terms carefully.  Be specific about theories you would test, your hypotheses, and research design and methodology.   Some theorists attribute the incidence of black male social pathology to individual level factors such a […]

Evaluate the different approaches to reducing property crimes by the four agencies. Identify which department and explain why their strategy was most effective.

Access the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico PD and the Plano, Texas PD strategic plans from the Topic Materials. Additionally, conduct research to locate two other police Departments’ Strategic Plans to reduce property crimes. Locate those four cities/towns on the FBI UCR website (in Topic Materials) and note the statistics with regard to property crimes […]

Are Plato’s accounts of the relationship between the individual and city, and the happiness of the just individual and city convincing? Why or why not?

According to Plato, how does the justice of the individual relate to justice in the city? And why does Plato think that justice makes the individual and the city ‘happy’ (i.e. why does he believe that justice is beneficial or pleasant?)? Are Plato’s accounts of the relationship between the individual and city, and the happiness […]

How are the political values of Canadians distinct from those of Americans? What accounts for these differences?

Answer the question: How are the political values of Canadians distinct from those of Americans? What accounts for these differences? They must be between 500 to 750 words, excluding the bibliography, and include a word count. Papers proposals should have a thesis statement that responds to one of the essay questions below and be backed […]

Examine the political and historical lenses of low voter turnouts in the United States using multiple perspectives.

Minimum 1200 word count research paper examining the political and historical lenses of low voter turnouts in the United States using multiple perspectives. Must also propose a solution to the problem.

What is the budget of the IGO and how is it financed (i.e. do states contribute equal amounts, is it dependent on their GDPs, etc.) What are the bodies of the IGO and what is/are the decision-making process(es) within the IGO?

Choose one intergovernmental organization from the following list (you may also choose an IGO that is not on this list if you obtain prior approval from me). This list excludes the six IGOs that we cover in detail in the class (UN, NATO, EU, IMF, WTO, and WHO) and includes IGOs that presently exist and […]

Compare and contrast models associated with terrorism, radicalization,de-radicalization and counter radicalization processes.

RestrictedHLS 170 –Terrorism and Counter-TerrorismA1 -Group Profile–Template–100 points (30%)Deadline 1 October 2020LO2. Demonstrate an understanding of the modus operandi (MO) of a number of terrorist groups, to include determining the strategic threats these might pose to the UAE and region. LO3. Compare and contrast models associated with terrorism, radicalization,de-radicalization and counter radicalization processes. LO4. Analyze […]

What do we already know about this topic in Australia, Globally, and comparatively?Are there competing ideas about your specific area of political behaviour?

Each student will write a research proposal (essay) DUE Friday Week 6. Each student will write one (1) paper on a question of their own formulation. Each paper will be approximately 4 to 5 double spaced pages (1000 words), and it should demonstrate a significant research effort. Papers will be evaluated on the strength (and […]

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