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What is the difference between a European regulation and a Euroean directive? What is David Goodhart’s argument in The Road to Somewhere?

Who is the most important political figure (the person with the most power) in Europe? And explain your answer. (i) Chancellor of Germany (ii) President of France (iii) President of the European Commission (iv) President of the European Council2. What is the difference between the European Council and the Council of Ministers? 3. What does […]

On what foundation does Jefferson root his recommendation that the American economy emphasize agriculture over manufacturing? Explain carefully.

Item 1 (10 pts). Jefferson, Hamilton, and American Economy Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton disagree much on the question, “What form of economy best serves the long-term interests of the American people and the future of the United States?” On what foundation does Jefferson root his recommendation that the American economy emphasize agriculture over manufacturing? […]

How do the resulting national redistricting maps look different depending on which criteria they pick? Who or what group does each different map seem to favor?

1) What are the seven different criteria/goals that they outline as possible ways to draw district lines? (I’ll give you a hint, one is “Republican Gerrymandering” and another is “Compactness”). Explain what each of the seven mean. 2) How do the resulting national redistricting maps look different depending on which criteria they pick? Who or […]

Would you describe this leader as a populist, and why? In what ways is this leader consistent with some of our course readings and discussions about populism? In what ways do they challenge or depart from these sources?

Pick one or more of the political leaders from the list below (if you are unfamiliar with them, you may want to read the Wikipedia page about them and skim a couple of news articles to familiarize yourself before you make your choice. Read the sources about this person that are available bellow. You are […]

What are the seven different criteria/goals that they outline as possible ways to draw district lines? (I’ll give you a hint, one is “Republican Gerrymandering” and another is “Compactness”). Explain what each of the seven mean.

In these critical reflection assignments I am going to ask you to read an article, watch a video, or play a simulation, and then answer a few questions about it. In this second one, you’re going to read a Five Thirty Eight piece about gerrymandering, as well as spending a bit of time playing around […]

Describes the historical and Constitutional basis of American Government’s structure and how this relates to the policy.

Week 3 Final Research Paper Outline Worksheet REMINDER:  Please be sure you have critically read the instructions for BOTH the Week 3 Final Paper Outline Assignment, and the Week 5 Final Research Paper. Final Paper Outline Introduction Your introduction should start with a hook to draw your reader in, establish your          topic, and create interest.  […]

List the three major institutions (branches) of the United States government established by the Constitution and the corresponding Constitutional Article number that explains how each branch is to function. Which branch is not subject to elections?

List the three major institutions (branches) of the United States government established by the Constitution and the corresponding Constitutional Article number that explains how each branch is to function. Which branch is not subject to elections? Note: Your response should be a minimum of 50 words and include the citation of your source, using MLA […]

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