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What is one power OR responsibility of the Lieutenant Governor? Explain/define that power/responsibility?

Political Science Visit the California Lieutenant Governor’s website Links to an external site.to answer the following questions: Who is the Lieutenant Governor of California? What is their political party affiliation? What is one power OR responsibility of the Lieutenant Governor? Explain/define that power/responsibility? What do they prioritize as Lieutenant Governor? What is one interesting fact […]

Write an essay on Policy issue: Tax rate policy Cities: Orlando and New York explore how that policy developed and what the outcomes are (or will be) in your two localities.

Write an essay on Policy issue: Tax rate policy Cities: Orlando and New York explore how that policy developed and what the outcomes are (or will be) in your two localities.

Explore the site on your own and try to get a sense of how broad and detailed some of the activities of the US government are.

Go to https://www.federalregister.gov/ This is the Federal Register, the published official announcements of the United States government. It includes official notices, rules, proposed rules, executive orders, funding announcements and other official announcements. Explore the site on your own and try to get a sense of how broad and detailed some of the activities of the […]

What is SCAG ? ( define the term and provide an example of what it does and where ).

( https://scag.ca.gov/ .AND/OR https://scag.ca.gov/about-us ). Your assignment is to briefly answer these two questions – 1 page maximum – 1. What is a COG ? ( define the term and provide an example of what they do and where they do it ). 2. What is SCAG ? ( define the term and provide an […]

Identify the sources of and assess the range of topics covered by international law. What is the role of the World Court?

Q1. Identify the sources of and assess the range of topics covered by international law. What is the role of the World Court? Define universal human rights and review how global actors have contributed to ensuring and promoting human rights Essay Notes: Global actors in the essays above refers to all relevant actors: States, IGOs, […]

Compare and contrast the legal system of the United States and your chosen country’s legal system.

WRITING ASSIGNMENT TWO (Two pages) Chapter 2. Use the following sources to complete this portion of the project: Human Development Index à VIDEO https://youtu.be/4KIoYPyCJMo *Facts can be found: http://hdr.undp.org Nations of the World (book in reference section of the library) http://www.cia.gov Click on Library then World Fact book for general information on individual countries. http://www.usatrade.gov/website/ccg.nsf/ccghomepage?openform […]

Elaborate of two or three cross-cutting themes across the readings/media, such as theoretical or ideological debates, ideas, symbols, images, and issues, and implications for our broader understanding of global urban politics.

Elaborate of two or three cross-cutting themes across the readings/media, such as theoretical or ideological debates, ideas, symbols, images, and issues, and implications for our broader understanding of global urban politics. Identify a recent related story in the news media and reflecting on how the readings/media relate to or help us understand the story.

How can local governments collaborate and continue to provide quality public services? How can they continue to satisfy their constituents?

“In many places, community leaders and government service departments have built relationships with other governmental agencies to solve small-town infrastructure needs” (Collins, 2006; Greenblatt, 2006; Rhodes, 1996). When these small communities collaborate, the issues that matter include continuing to supply quality public services and citizen satisfaction. How can local governments collaborate and continue to provide […]

Examine how the variable in question has changed over time in each case.

Case study using methods of comparative politics to analyze the liberalization/decriminalization of drugs in Portugal and the Czech Republic. Some notes from professor: “This research assignment permits the student explores a potential research project by examining data about variables in two countries over a 15-year time period. The project will examine changes over time a […]

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