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Demonstrate an understanding of the main counter terrorism approaches and how these are similar/different to counter insurgency tactics.

The review should provide an overview of the piece but, more importantly, it should also critically reflect on the piece and the contribution it is making to the existing literature. It must not just repeat the content of the article. Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: * Brookes […]

How or how not does the Bailey graph help explain the way Justices voted in the case? What are some other ways to explain how and why the Court voted the way it did in Bush v Gore?

Review he readings from last week. In this cumulative post, students are invited to think about whether Justices are motivated by political ideology, legal philosophy, or if these two concepts are interrelated. Read Bush v Gore, then locate each of the justices who voted in the case on the Bailey graph. How or how not […]

What is the structure of the argument? What claims are used to support the main point and what is their order/relationship?

Some papers are way shorter than others so the writer must use more space/pages for the longer texts, but all the questions must be answered for each text which are listed below. The basics: 1. Figure out what the main point of the article/chapter is. 2. What is the structure of the argument? What claims […]

Does the meeting/event lead you to believe in elite democracy or popular democracy? How did participating help you in your efforts to be informed or participate in politics?

Then here is the criteria from my professor on the paper: The paper presents a well-detailed account of the proceedings at a government meeting, event, or protest demonstration (which should be political in nature). The paper provides basic information about who attended, participated or spoke, where/when it took place, what the purpose of the proceeding […]

Discuss the current processes, controversies, and ideas that dominate academic conversation in Political Theory.

Podcast Script: Trajectory of Political Science Subfields Discuss the current processes, controversies, and ideas that dominate academic conversation in Political Theory. To determine the trajectory of this subfield of political science, pay careful attention to the discussion of research questions remaining within the subfield. Prepare a podcast where you examine the above points in light […]

What effects, if any, do judicial elections have on judges and courts? How do court decisions affect public opinion and how does public opinion affect judicial decision making?

We covered the three major theories of judicial decision making in this course. Consider each theory in turn and discuss in detail the following: -What similarities exist among the theories? -What differences exist across these theories? An excellent answer will (1) specify the different dimensions or aspect for comparison and (2) cover each of the […]

Should the Court treat privately owned platforms like Twitter or Facebook as if they were public forums? Why or why not? Which religions do not merit recognition by the state? Why not?

Final Paper Instructions Your final paper should reflect a firm command of a specific issue related to the themes covered in this course. The paper is your opportunity to display your particular insights and cultivate expertise on your topic. Make the most of it! Purpose Upon completion of your paper, you should be able to […]

Write an essay of 750- 1,000 words analyzing potential conflict between a Christian conscience and public law. Delineate the issue and explain how it poses a controversy.

Write an essay of 750- 1,000 words analyzing potential conflict between a Christian conscience and public law. Select a current Social issue that poses a situation where Law may conflict with a Christian conscience. Delineate the issue and explain how it poses a controversy. Discuss how one can balance personal beliefs with the Law of […]

Select a current Social issue that poses a situation where Law may conflict with a Christian conscience. Delineate the issue and explain how it poses a controversy.

Write an essay of 750- 1,000 words analyzing potential conflict between a Christian conscience and public law. Select a current Social issue that poses a situation where Law may conflict with a Christian conscience. Delineate the issue and explain how it poses a controversy. Discuss how one can balance personal beliefs with the Law of […]

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