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Why is the rise of China considered through the lens of ‘threat or opportunity’?

Opportunity: China population is huge market ( consumption ) Investment from China is huge Threat: try to become a hegemon and replace the role of the US The ideology is aggressive, set up military base at middle east and south China sea ignore the Universal value(or western values), international law, treaty seeking to steal intellectual […]

State problems are easier to measure than process problems.State problems just require one measurement of the phenomena of interest, while process problems always require multiple measurements.

Research design A research design is a systematic plan to study a scientific problem. The design of a study defines the study type (descriptive, correlational, semi-experimental, experimental, review, meta-analytic)and sub-type (e.g., descriptive-longitudinal case study), research question, hypotheses, independent and dependent variables, experimental design, and, if applicable, data collection methods and a statistical analysis plan. Research […]

Are immigrants Rapist/criminals said by Trump. Do you favor Biden legalized illegal immigrants in the United States if elected?

What do you think that Joe Biden’s policy should be? IMMIGRATION, HEALTH CARE, If he adopted that policy how likely would it be that you would vote for him? How likely would it be that you would vote for him no matter what his policy is on immigration? Rate the following issues on importance from […]

Discuss any unforeseen problems or obstacles encountered in the course political science, and any unexpected surprises in this class problem with research data.

Discuss any unforeseen problems or obstacles encountered in the course political science, and any unexpected surprises in this class problem with research data. On immigration policy for biden campaign. Identify my strengths as well as any problems that you encountered while completing the research project which is immigration proposal for Biden campaign.

Compare the theme in this book to the theme portrayed in “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson.

Avoid the use of of quotations/paraphrasing from the book. Compare the theme in this book to the theme portrayed in “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson. This Book Review should also correlate with the ideas taught in a first year American Government course: civil rights/liberties, congress, presidential powers, federal court system, public opinion/media, voting/political parties, lobbying, […]

Formulate a politically and theoretically relevant empirical research question and describe the research hypotheses that would lead to testing it. State purpose of the study.

Assessment Instructions. Students are required to formulate a relevant empirical research question and hypotheses. Students will have to: Formulate a politically and theoretically relevant empirical research question and describe the research hypotheses that would lead to testing it. State purpose of the study. Establish and rationalize a clear causal relationship associated with the research question. […]

Based on the book Identity Crisis, by by John Sides, Michael Tesler, and Lynn Vavrec, what is your strategy for November so that your candidate wins office?

Write an 8-page minimum double-spaced paper that addresses the 2020 presidential election. You are the campaign manager. Based on the book Identity Crisis, by by John Sides, Michael Tesler, and Lynn Vavrec, what is your strategy for November so that your candidate wins office? Be sure to keep in mind the role of the Electoral […]

What are some arguments for and against the idea of natural law from a Christian perspective? If natural law exists, how far can it orient societies toward the “good”?

What is natural law and does it apply today? What is natural law? What does it imply for the question we asked in week 2 about the ability of people to be “good” if they are not Christians? What are some arguments for and against the idea of natural law from a Christian perspective? If […]

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