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Assess the elite model as an approach to U.S. immigration policy. Compare this approach to at least one other policy model.

In essay format, provide well-developed responses to the following tasks: -Assess the elite model as an approach to U.S. immigration policy. Compare this approach to at least one other policy model. -Analyze public policy-making in the area of civil rights according to group theory, and compare the chapter’s use of the elite model. -Of the […]

What are the main issues in assessing educational achievement? What policy approaches are best in resolving these issues? How does Group Theory provide a relevant framework for understanding these issues?

In essay format, provide well-developed responses to the following questions: -What are the goals of public education in the United States? Is any consensus possible? -What are the main issues in assessing educational achievement? What policy approaches are best in resolving these issues? -How does Group Theory provide a relevant framework for understanding these issues? […]

Were they the best models for dealing with this crisis? If not, which model or models do you think would have been better? -Explain your answers.

In essay format, provide well-developed responses to the following questions: -How are tax policy, economic policy and political ideology (particularly liberalism and conservatism) related? -How was this relationship demonstrated in the financial crisis of 2008? -Which policy-making model or models best describe the federal response to the crisis? -Were they the best models for dealing […]

Argue in favor of, or against the separation of religion and politics. Do you feel they should be intertwined? Justify, why or why not.

In 650-750 words, please answer one of the following questions. Remember to use evidence and examples to justify your answers. 1) Argue in favor of, or against the separation of religion and politics. Do you feel they should be intertwined? Justify, why or why not. 2) Do you regard the real life application of law […]

What steps would you follow to assess an emerging disaster situation? What are the key facts that need to be captured early to guide the assessment process?

Discussion Forum 2 What steps would you follow to assess an emerging disaster situation? What are the key facts that need to be captured early to guide the assessment process? What criteria should be considered to gauge the severity of the incident? What would be the likely impact of mistakes made during the situational assessment […]

Set the scene and put the subject within its empirical context and within the context of the relevant academic literature; what else has been written on the topic, how does this relate to what you want to investigate?

Introduce and specify the research question to be addressed and the intellectual purpose of the research, such as why the research question is important. (What is the puzzle? What is the research question? What is the justification for the research?) Literature review: Set the scene and put the subject within its empirical context and within […]

Will the internet have a positive or negative impact on how we process political information and form opinions about politics? Why?

From the Personal to the Political You will write a 3-5 page essay double spaced drawing from a personal experience (if you wish) that can be connected to an issue of importance either politically, socially, or humanitarian significance of your chosen topic as long as there is a significant connection to American Politics. Consider some […]

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Mouffe’s account of agonistic democracy? Is communism the answer to the problem of economic inequality, as parts of the literature suggest?

Please choose one question from the following topics: • Identify and discuss three challenges confronting democratic practice today • Does political liberalism have universal reach? • Do plural values necessarily conflict? • What are the challenges that multiculturalism poses to democracy (if any)? • Is representative democracy incompatible with demands for direct action? • Critically […]

How can borders, (air)ports, detention centres and sweat factories be considered ‘necropolitical’ sites?

Does our security over ‘here’ depend on the insecurity experienced and violence perpetrated in ‘sites of exception’ over ‘there’?  (2000 word count) Global insecurity and ‘exceptional sites’ Does our security over ‘here’ depend on the insecurity experienced and violence perpetrated in sites of ‘exception’? How can borders, (air)ports, detention centres and sweat factories be considered […]

Drawing on a case study from Canada, Australia or the United States, discuss what are the main factors explaining the under-representation of MEM groups in federal politics.

Essay Questions 1. Compare the origins of multiculturalism in Australia and Canada. To what extent is Australia a multicultural country? 2. Describe the difference between descriptive and substantive representation. Drawing on one or two examples, critically reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of descriptive representation for minority citizens in state or federal electorates. 3. Drawing […]

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