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How or how not does the Bailey graph help explain the way Justices voted in the case?

Review he readings from last week. In this cumulative post, students are invited to think about whether Justices are motivated by political ideology, legal philosophy, or if these two concepts are interrelated. Read Bush v Gore, then locate each of the justices who voted in the case on the Bailey graph. How or how not […]

What is the structure of the argument? What claims are used to support the main point and what is their order/relationship?

So there are 11 papers/text which I have attached and for each of the papers/text I want exam based summaries of one page each, so total is 11 pages. For each paper/text all the things which I have listed below must be answered. Some papers are way shorter than others so the writer must use […]

How would you evaluate the internal validity and external validity of your proposed study?

Research Methods in Politics Spring 2015 The research proposal General guidelines  Your research proposal needs to be a proposal for an empirical research project. This means that – like in the case of the critical assessment – this piece of coursework looks very different from a ‘standard’ essay.  You are not actually carrying […]

What conditions allow for the development of independent courts? What effects, if any, do judicial elections have on judges and courts?

We covered the three major theories of judicial decision making in this course. Consider each theory in turn and discuss in detail the following: -What similarities exist among the theories? -What differences exist across these theories? An excellent answer will (1) specify the different dimensions or aspect for comparison and (2) cover each of the […]

Discuss the current processes, controversies, and ideas that dominate academic conversation in Political Theory.

Podcast Script: Trajectory of Political Science Subfields Discuss the current processes, controversies, and ideas that dominate academic conversation in Political Theory. To determine the trajectory of this subfield of political science, pay careful attention to the discussion of research questions remaining within the subfield. Prepare a podcast where you examine the above points in light […]

Discuss the opportunities and the challenges middle income countries face in undertaking national development strategies similar to the East Asian Tigers.

This is a development studies essay which requires the candidate to draw on key theories in national development strategy and discuss the applicability of these theories to the a middle-income country which is Malaysia. By assessing the development experience and compare and contrast it to the national context of Malaysia and provide insight into the […]

Briefly contextualize the object/issue/topic – why did you choose it? What, initially, do you think it has to do with global politics?

ESSAY GUIDANCE Question: In what ways does gender and/or race matter in global politics? Use example(s) to illustrate your answer. Guidelines on essays Keep to the word count Be consistent in referencing Include a bibliography/reference list Proof read your work before you submit it – check for spelling mistakes and grammatical problems You can use […]

Define and discuss government reform in terms of the provided sources-Define and discuss organization theory in terms of the provided sources.

1. Define and discuss government reform in terms of the provided sources. 2. Define and discuss organization theory in terms of the provided sources. 3. Define and discuss the New Public Management movement and reengineering efforts in terms of the provided sources. 4. Define and discuss social equity in terms of the provided sources. 5. […]

How would you gain staff buy-in and support from the leaders and staff at your organization to engage in Raise the Age criminal justice reform?

For the presentation you may use PowerPoint slides 1. Identify three areas of reform in the criminal justice system. 2. What resonated most with you about Kalief Browder’s story and the need for decriminalization of court-involved youth? 3. Identify two ways that Harlem Children Zone (hcz.org)can support the Raise the Age criminal justice reform. 4. […]

Explain challenges in light of concerns for political solvency and/or public policy.

Create a podcast script about Syria and ISIS, synthesizing facts into an informative narrative using appropriate scholarly resources and reasoning in the development of your case study of pivotal events. Explain challenges in light of concerns for political solvency and/or public policy. Identify the distinctive attributes associated with the political actors and organizational entities involved. […]

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