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Why are social workers concerned about organization and community intervention outcomes? In what ways can social workers measure success in communities and organizations?

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade. Finish “Chapter 3: Evaluating Organizational Impact and Outcome Measurement” by reading pages 32-50. Also review pages 27-28 to complete the reading for this assignment.Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following questions. Your initial post should be 200 to […]

Identify, evaluate and make effective use of databases and other information sources. Critically assess research studies by making an ‘informed judgement’ about principles of research design.

Using the attached journal ‘Social work intervention with adults who self-neglect in England: responding to the Care Act 2014’: 1. Identify, evaluate and make effective use of databases and other information sources. 2. Critically assess research studies by making an ‘informed judgement’ about principles of research design. 3. Demonstrate the ability to effectively discuss research […]

Write a 200 word summary paragraphthat summarises and paraphrases the key ideas and/or arguments in the core reading. (Use your own words; do not quote from the reading.)

For each core readingin CUC100 this semester: •Write a heading that is the reading’s complete and correct APA reference (See the APA referencing guide on the CDU library website).Present these in alphabetical order by the author’s surname. •Write a 200 word summary paragraphthat summarises and paraphrases the key ideas and/or arguments in the core reading. […]

What are some of the lasting legacies and consequences of the state’s role, law, and policy in constructing and perpetuating inequity?

Put together a guide for the paper to go based off of. 3 big points should be hit. No citations needed. Here’s the prompt: How does the state, law and policy (state institutions and policies: federal, local, agency, institutional, etc.) impact racial and gender hierarchies in the United States, from the colonial period through the […]

Write an in-depth research essay on a specific case study of Indigenous peoples’ struggle for Indigenous rights.

Research essay : write an in-depth research essay on a specific case study of Indigenous peoples’ struggle for Indigenous rights. This research essay will address a specific Indigenous group’s struggle – being Australian Indigenous people with disability, to protect their culture, health (really important to include this) and connection to country. It will present a […]

Does the book stress the dangers of the voyage to make it exciting? Does this work for you? Does the writer use vivid description to make you feel that you are there? Is this successful, in your experience? If so, how did the writer achieve this?

This is an essay talking about how do you think what the author think after reading the book. This is an academic essay.That means that you must argue your point using evidence from your book. To present the range of things they can write about in their essays. To present various ways of organizing their […]

Describe the organization’s community impact and/or effectiveness in serving its clients, both from the interviewees own perspective and from secondary sources. Has public policy been impacted by this organization?

COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION IMPACT PAPER INSTRUCTIONS This is an investigative paper analyzing and assessing the effectiveness and impact of a mental health organization in your community. You will set up an appointment with an executive or director and conduct a face-to-face interview with him/her. Recording the interview is recommended. While much of your paper will be […]

Explain why this source will be good for your research project: How does it support your research question? What sort of information does it provide? What have you learned from this source?

Class: ​SSH1099 Professor: ​Erin Jones Assignment: ​Writing Assignment #5: Research Process and 3 Sources Due: ​Friday, March 6 by 10pm (via Moodle) The short of it: ​Find three sources that you believe will support your research project. Analyze these sources and write about the research process that it took to get you there. The long […]

Compare and contrast the nature of divorce in agricultural states, chiefdoms, tribes, and forager societies. Do you see any parallels, or is divorce simply a cultural facet that does not relate to the rest of society?

Compare and contrast the nature of divorce in agricultural states, chiefdoms, tribes, and forager societies. Do you see any parallels, or is divorce simply a cultural facet that does not relate to the rest of society?

Illustrate the role of the state in crime and social control through; Engage with key criminological theories that relate to your contemporary issues and in doing so, consider how these theories inform debates around this contemporary issue

This module focuses on contemporary issues in criminology, social control, and the criminal justice system. Illustrate the role of the state in crime and social control through, for example, the interface between social policy and crime control, the evolution of governmental form and criminalisation, and the rise of diverse forms and means of governance and […]

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