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Identify the different people involved, describe how each one might view the dilemma, and explain why you think they take this position. Different people might include patients, users, carers, the general public, pressure groups, front-line professional workers, assistants, service managers.

SH5000 Ethics and Research in Professional Contexts Analyzing the Case-Studies: When thinking about moral decision-making in professional contexts you may approach your analysis of a given dilemma by going through the following steps: identify the ethical issue(s) in the dilemma; identify the different people involved, describe how each one might view the dilemma, and explain […]

Identify the client’s challenges and or presenting problems, as they are presented in this episode.Discuss how you will start the first interview with this client anc what you believe the focus of the work could be, based on the issues “your client presents in this first episode.

Go back to the video and identify who in this family you want to be your client. Identify the client’s challenges and or presenting problems, as they are presented in this episode. Describe “your client” from what you see and hear in the video, using a biopsychosocial framework…age, gender, race, family composition, etc. Use your […]

Write a report or participate in a process concerning planning policies, planning applications or appeals.

  OBJECTIVES 1.    To develop an integrated framework with which to understand the purpose, legal basis and practice of planning in England and Wales. 2.    To develop an integrated framework with which to understand planning policies, procedures and processes. 3.    To develop an integrated framework with which to understand procedures and processes for planning permission […]

Explain the dimensions of health, linking to a current theories. In your answer you should also highlight inequalities in health.

No more than 1,500 words (essay) 1. Define ‘Health’ – at least 3 of the following concepts should be referred to in your answer: Personal / Lay / Medical / Social / Complementary Therapy / Professional. Explain what the ‘Principles of Health’ are. (Suggested no more than 300 words, excluding references) 2. Explain the influence […]

Critically evaluate existing research in relation to specific practice or policy issues and design a research study that is feasible, relevant, methodologically robust, and ethically sound.

Topic: How does the practice of female genital mutilation effect the child mortality rates in Africa? Assignment Brief; A written report which provides an overview of your selected topic Assignment type: A written report Masters Level Size or length of assessment: 1000 words Unit learning outcomes Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge and critical appreciation of the […]

What are the most consequential relationships between Australia and the region? Put simply, how does Australia really “fit in”? Is there a better or worse way (or ways) for Australia to engage with the region? How does Australia transform the region around it, and in turn, how is Australia transformed by its location?

Asia & the Pacific in Motion ASIA1030 Essay Instructions and Topics A research essay is the chance to dive deeply into a question that interests you and to develop your own voice on an important question. As you choose your focus, think about what big questions matter to you and how you can expand your […]

Identify the social work skills relevant when working with a diversity of service users and termination of intervention.

1500-word critical reflection, exploring the intervention, commenting on skills used, showing a rationale for why you did what you did, and what you might have done differently with hindsight. The reflections should make appropriate links with theories and readings presented in the course, and show awareness of where you think your work can improve This […]

Research and include current laws pertaining to your objective to assist in your proposed changes to address the health problem.

Choose ONE objective from the Exhibit 10.1 of Healthy people 2020. I chose NWS-4. (Developmental) Increase the proportion of Americans who have access to a food retail outlet that sells a variety of foods that are encouraged by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. – Research and include current laws pertaining to your objective to assist […]

How do the themes of inequality or rights, as well as justice, help us to understand the statement that the fixed nature of boundaries is most visible in the treatment of asylum seekers in Europe?

Choose ONE of the following four options: Option A How do two of the themes of inequality, rights and justice help us to evaluate the roles of states and international organisations in managing environmental challenges involving common resources? Option B How do two of the themes of inequality, rights and justice help us to understand […]

Identify ethical dimensions of practice and apply appropriate professional values and ethical practice standards according to the AASW Code of Ethics to their own and others’ practice in the placement context.

MARKING RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT B Criteria   Standards   Unsatisfactory Satisfactory – 400 hours Satisfactory: 500 hours 1. Critically reflect on their own and others’ practice of social work and apply these insights to improve their practice Student does not provide adequate information for the academic to determine their learning.  The student does not discuss […]

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