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Does identification to the local culture imply subjecting oneself to those practices as well, or should the missionaries model a different way to live in these areas?

SOCIOLOGY Based on your readings and the lecture materials this week, share one important concept that stood out to you and explain what impact it has on you as a missionary. Article is listed below. In Muslim societies missionary women often debate whether to wear a burkha which covers them totally. Is that simply cultural […]

As their population grows, what past issues and future issues can they expect? Have things changed for Asians in the United States?

Discussion Sociology Sociology The Asian American communities are the fastest growing minority in the United States. As their population grows, what past issues and future issues can they expect? Have things changed for Asians in the United States? We often hear that they are successful in science and math, is this considered a stereotype? If […]

Discuss the effects of fertility and mortality on global population. Should the United States be concerned regarding population growth?

1.) What do you think is the most pressing social problem facing America throughout the term of the last five presidents and today? What do you feel is the role of the government in the process of dealing with the social problems of their time on the micro and macro levels? What do you think […]

Analyze gender in ONE lifestyle media text of your choice using: Judith Butler’s theory of gender trouble and fluid identities.

“The solving of ordinary problems and the making over of ordinary lives is the very stuff of lifestyle media (Roy, 2008). In helping us to transform to a better, more efficient, happier self, lifestyle media ties the journey of self-improvement into ordinary aspects of daily life such as redesigning our homes, getting the job we […]

What kinds of emotional responses do you have to the content in your feed?

watch the documentary The Social Dilemma. After you watch the documentary, provide your typed answers to the following questions: In your own words, what is the problem the film discusses? Do you find yourself unconsciously checking your phone or certain apps? Did this – or the impulse to – happen at all while watching the […]

Analyze the situation from a sociological perspective and clearly discuss how race and class informs this issue.

Sociology Read the article “­­­­ Can a program designed for British diplomats fix Chicago’s schools?” by Hendershot https://canvas.ku.edu/courses/68685/files/3671735?… Read the following scenario. This is the scenario you will need to consider as you answer the questions that follow. The Kansas City, Missouri (KCMO) school district has been struggling to meet state academic standards. Recently, some […]

Describe three steps that Cynthia could take as she begins to seek resolutions to her problem(s).

You were introduced to Cynthia earlier in the module. Take a few minutes to read her story again and explore the problems and concerns that she is experiencing in her life. Her marriage is not in a good place, and she is thinking by now that neither is she. She and her husband no longer […]

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