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What energy system(s) would the following athletes utilize: a 100m sprinter (who runs a 100m race in 10 seconds flat), an 800m runner (who runs the 800m in two minutes flat), and a 10,000m distance runner (who runs a 10km race in 30 minutes flat).

Cardiorespriatory System 1) What energy system(s) would the following athletes utilize: a 100m sprinter (who runs a 100m race in 10 seconds flat), an 800m runner (who runs the 800m in two minutes flat), and a 10,000m distance runner (who runs a 10km race in 30 minutes flat). Also, discuss if each athlete might use […]

Discuss the potential positive and negative implications of affirmative action within sporting contexts.

Prompt 1: You are the athletics director at a private mixed-gender high school in Montreal. Your school, which was founded in 1907, has a very rich athletic history that has traditionally centered around the men’s football team. Many prominent, wealthy alumni are supporters of the team. Recently, after hearing stories in the media about the […]

Argue :Sports and gender segregation is it necessary.

Argue :Sports and gender segregation is it necessary. 1.Write a classical argument position paper of 750-850 words. 2. Include a title page, headers, and page numbers in correct APA format. 3. Cite at least four different sources in your paper. 4. Use the following organization for your paper: A. Get the reader’s attention by means […]

Create a timeline encompassing the historical and cultural changes in sport and the impact this had on society.

Historical Changes in the UK Learning Aim B: Investigate the historical and cultural changes and the social and ethical issues that have impacted on sport and exercise development in the UK. Create a timeline encompassing the historical and cultural changes in sport and the impact this had on society.  You must include urbanisation and […]

If you were considering building a sportsplex somewhere in the northeastern United States, where would you build it?

If you were considering building a sportsplex somewhere in the northeastern United States, where would you build it? Choose your ideal location based on demographics or other criteria that you can justify. Then use the Internet to find an open plot of land that is large enough to sustain your facility. As an example, typical […]

Identify the person you wish to interview and explain your rationale for why you want to interview them. Why, in other words, does this person have an interesting story to tell?

Description One aspect of this seminar focuses on the stories that people tell about how an important event revolving around sports shaped their lives. People use stories to make sense of all aspects of their lives. The purpose of this project is to give you a chance to become a qualitative researcher and collect a […]

Are some segments better positioned for sustainable growth? Which ones and why?

Clif bar and powerbar Write two brand which is clif bar and powerbar. Category dynamics and performance Provide an overview of how the category is performing today and the primary drivers. You should cover the following” Is this a high, medium, low growth category? Please provide supporting data Is growth in the category accelerating or […]

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