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Indicate four of the general questions that Lasswell believes should be asked when gathering facts about a situation.

Theories of Information and Communications Answer the following short answer questions:1. What do the individual letters in Berlo’s S-M-C-R model stand for? 2. Indicate four of the general questions that Lasswell believes should be asked when gathering facts about a situation. 3. Cite one reason that one might want to treat a communication as a […]

Identify and describe the key factors that you would consider in framing your response to the problem situation stated above.

Representative Educational Technology Challenge As an educational technology expert, you have been invited to a meeting of a parents’ association at a school that has recently introduced many innovative technologies for students. A great deal of taxpayers’ money was used to completely renovate the school’s technology infrastructure, and then acquire and deploy many new technology-based […]

Which of the following is/are generally regarded as true statements:Language and thought develop independently.

Which of the following is/are generally regarded as true statements:1. Some individual differences are a result of being at a particular state of development.2. Language and thought develop independently.3. Certain learning tasks are virtually impossible for individuals at an early stage of cognitive development.4. Mental models are directly observable markers of development.5. The concepts of […]

Is such an exercise designed to promote systematic and/or systemic thinking? Why and how? Do you think that this technique is effective?

ASSIGNMENT Suppose your residential institution is considering adopting a flipped classroom approach in which learners are assigned reading and viewing tasks outside the classroom (reading targeted entries in a reputable online encyclopedia, viewing TED talks on relevant subjects, etc.) and then given small group problem-solving activities when in the classroom, with the instructor serving as […]

Which of the following are examples of weak technology support and which are examples of strong technology support, and why?

ASSIGNMENT Which of the following are examples of weak technology support and which are examples of strong technology support, and why? 1. Providing an annotated solution to a quadratic equation explaining each step used to reach the solution. 2. Giving an online objective test that is automatically graded with individual scores sent to students and […]

Which of the following are examples of learning from technology and which are examples of learning with technology?

TASK Which of the following are examples of learning from technology and which are examples of learning with technology? 1. Using the help function in Microsoft Word to learn how to create interactive forms.2. Interacting with a management flight simulator to determine the approximate delayin advertising impact on sales.3. Playing spider solitaire on the computer.4. […]

Identify and describe the key barriers to success involved in achieving the goal stated in the representative problem above.

ASSIGNMENT 1. Identify and describe the key barriers to success involved in achieving the goal stated in the representative problem above. 2. Identify and describe the key factors that are likely to become part of an implementation plan for this problem situation; include in the description of each key factor any recurrent and non-recurrent tasks […]

Indicate which of the following involve intentional learning and which involve incidental learning and indicate why/how.

Test Your Understanding Which of the following situations involve learning and why/how?1. Memorizing dates associated with certain historic battles.2. Watching a video of a person disassembling a particular device.3. Using an ohmmeter to test the level of resistance at a certain point in an electricalcircuit.4. Figuring out how to cut several pieces of wood in […]

Develop a general framework with guidelines and a notional high-level curriculum to respond to the first issue in the representative educational technology challenge.

ASSIGNMENT 1. Develop a general framework with guidelines and a notional high-level curriculum to respond to the first issue in the representative educational technology challenge. 2. Develop a formative assessment scheme along with a suggested schedule for assessments, guidelines (rubrics) for use of assessments by students and teachers, and one specific assessment and accompanying rubric […]

What kinds of formative assessments will help students and teachers maintain steady progress toward both goals?

A Representative Educational Technology Challenge An innovative private school has decided to redo its high school mathematics and sciencecurriculum in response to recent emphasis on the integrated nature of science andmathematics, and strong interest in having more graduates pursue college majors inscience, mathematics, and engineering disciplines. However, to maintain the school’saccreditation, its students must perform […]

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