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What is a fixed cost, and how does it differentiate from a variable cost? Provide an example to illustrate your response. State why this is useful for a manager to understand in controlling costs.

1. Name 3 processes that could be used by a manager to monitor actual expenditure and control costs. 2.To ensure the budget objectives are met, when should monitoring and control activities occur? 3.What is a fixed cost, and how does it differentiate from a variable cost? Provide an example to illustrate your response. State why […]

The role of credit rating agencies in the financial crisis? What role does corporate social responsibility play in credit rating agencies?

The role of credit rating agencies in the financial crisis? What role does corporate social responsibility play in credit rating agencies? Introduction First emerged in the 1900s in the United States, the credit rating business has rapidly grown and became a major part of the international financial systems followed by economic market globalization (Bayar 49). […]

Explore the social/environmental ethical issues that a company is facing. You are required to outline the two main ethical issues/challenges facing the company.

Explore the social/environmental ethical issues that a company is facing. You are required to outline the two main ethical issues/challenges facing the company. With reference to relevant theory and literature, you are asked to critically evaluate company’s approach to these issues. Based upon your analysis, you should present detailed recommendations regarding how the business should […]

Does it make a difference if the item is an essential item, like food vs. a luxury item like a sports car whether you are likely to continue to purchase the item even if the price goes up? How does price influence the quantity of an item you are willing or able to purchase?

Consider the price, and the quantity that you are willing to purchase at that price and answer the following questions. 1. How does price influence the quantity of an item you are willing or able to purchase? 2. Does it make a difference if the item is an essential item, like food vs. a luxury […]

List the two largest individual accounts that comprise your company’s current liabilities for the most recent year. List the dollar amounts of each of these accounts for the past two years.

Assignment #5 Investigating Your Company’s Liquidity and Capital Structure Purpose: Enable you to practice a number of techniques to analyze your company’s liquidity and to learn about your company’s capital structure. This assignment focuses on your company’s comparative Balance Sheets (over the past two years). 1. First, list your company’s total current assets for the […]

Describe how ‘Agreement in Contracts’ has developed over time and how it is relevant to accountants today.

Describe how ‘Agreement in Contracts’ has developed over time and how it is relevant to accountants today. Choose one area of law and describe how that area has developed over time and how it is relevant to accountants today.

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