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What do you think is the point of the Ruth story in the Bible? Do you think that Ruth and Naomi find a new life and a new home because of their own perseverance or because of the biblical God’s help?

QUESTION 11 1. As Americans, we are all told that we can be whatever we want, yet many have the idea that all is a matter of fate or divine predetermination, as when someone says, “Everything happens for a reason.” Which of these two sentiments do you believe and live by most deeply? Give specific […]

Explain the concept of bartering. Explain whether bartering does or does not meet all of the functions of money.

1) Discuss the concept of money. Begin by defining the functions of money and explain how currency meets these functions. 2) Explain the concept of bartering. Explain whether bartering does or does not meet all of the functions of money. 3) Historically, a number of things other than coin and currency have been used as […]

Explain about the fear, grief, and hopes of Dr. Martin Luther King.

Discipline might be Religion or Political Science. Must author a Six page paper about the fear, grief, and hopes of Dr. Martin Luther King. Use Dr. King’s “The Other America” jeremiad speech (which can be found online). Please tie his speech into the event that happened January 6th insurrection on the United States capital. This […]

List and explain them in a thread. Your full thread should contain at least one quote from Everyday Bible Study to support the thoughts and ideas you are presenting.

Description After reading the assigned chapters in Everyday Bible Study (Chapters 6-11), identify the following items: Squares: 4 ideas that, in general, square (fit) with your thinking Triangles: 3 angles you have never considered before Circles: 2 questions that are circling in your mind Hearts: 1 idea that you loved. Once you have identified these […]

How are evil actions presented? Is evil shown in a way that disgusts the reader? Or is it made attractive to the reader? Are the consequences of evil actions shown to be what the Bible says they will be?

The Gift and Calling of God You may comment on the realism of the characters, the charm of the setting, the effectiveness of the imagery, the aptness of the dialogue, or the naturalness of the action. As a Christian, you must also think about the content. How are evil actions presented? Is evil shown in […]

Write a four page paper that answers the question: How is the Bible true. Using a single story or passage from the Bible, explore what capital T truth the story holds for our world today.

“Capital T-truths” in the Bible Write a four page paper that answers the question: How is the Bible true. Using a single story or passage from the Bible, explore what capital T truth the story holds for our world today. Paper must incorporate at least 3 additional sources from class content.

Discuss similarities, differences, and changes to the meaning. You must provide a separate outline to your paper.

Choose just one of the themes from the list below. Note developments of that theme in the Old Testament to the New Testament (N.T.), and show how N.T. writers reinterpreted it. Discuss similarities, differences, and changes to the meaning. You must provide a separate outline to your paper. Use only the following resource that’s available […]

How does the topic the death of Jesus connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within the overarching story of the Bible? What is important to know about the history, culture, and/or theology surrounding this person or concept?

Submit a Project Plan, to include the following: what is the central message/argument of the paper? Organize the outline to address the following four assignment questions. Include two or more subpoints and supporting quotations for each main idea. How does the topic the death of Jesus connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and […]

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