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Discuss what the overall message is that the authors are trying to convey to you and their readers regarding having “Crucial Confrontations”?

On pages 253-257 of Crucial Confrontations… take the “A Self-Assessment for Measuring Your Crucial Confrontation Skills.” After scoring your assessment were you surprised by the results? In what area(s) do you need improvement, and why? Discuss what the overall message is that the authors are trying to convey to you and their readers regarding having […]

How can the concept (yeah-but) become unproductive when trying to understand and resolve conflict? What are some of the tools available to help people get past the “yeah-but” and start having “crucial” dialog?Discuss

In chapter 9 of Crucial Confrontations… the authors talk about The Twelve “Yeah-Buts”: How to Deal with the Truly Tough. As you read the various “yeah-but” statements from these highly reflective people that made them, you could either identify with the statement they were making, know someone just like that, or you are aware of […]

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