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Explain how technological factors influence the change requirement of the organization

Analysis of PESTLE Forces Scenario Effective change plans are created by understanding several external factors influencing an organization, including p olitical, e conomic, s ocial, t echnological, I egal, and e nvironmental, or PESTLE, forces. Experienced executives carefully examine PESTLE forces to identify major opportunities and threats and then adjust their organizational change strategies accordingly. […]

Complete an analysis in narrative form, highlighting significant findings and comparing the school and community data. Include an explanation of how you collaborated with specific stakeholders to collect and analyze the data.

COMMUNITY DEMOGRAPHIC STUDY INSTRUCTIONS – SCHOOL. The School-Community Demographic Study is the first part of the Benchmark Assignment: Community Resources Alignment Project. The assignment is divided into four parts for submission. All four parts will be checked for originality through Turnitin.com within the appropriate modules/weeks. You will also submit the School-Community Demographic Study with the […]

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