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Define economics using the following terms: allocation, distribution, goods, resources, production, and services.

Answer the following questions based on what you have learned about the game of economics. Define economics using the following terms: allocation, distribution, goods, resources, production, and services. What is scarcity, and how does it affect supply and demand in the game of economics? List the main differences between a free-market system, a command economy, […]

Compare and contrast the legal system of the United States and your chosen country’s legal system.

WRITING ASSIGNMENT TWO (Two pages) Chapter 2. Use the following sources to complete this portion of the project: Human Development Index à VIDEO https://youtu.be/4KIoYPyCJMo *Facts can be found: http://hdr.undp.org Nations of the World (book in reference section of the library) http://www.cia.gov Click on Library then World Fact book for general information on individual countries. http://www.usatrade.gov/website/ccg.nsf/ccghomepage?openform […]

Explain how these concepts describe the benefits and costs of international trade.

Your son is graduating from high school and is about to enter the work force. He has developed a strong curiosity about our economic system and how it works. Because you have a good understanding of basic economics, he has asked you to explain several concepts that are essential to an understanding of how the […]

Explain the role of government in solving problems that arise from different economic systems.

Economic System 1. What is an economic system? What are the basic problems of an economic system? 2. What are the features of a mixed economic system? 3. Explain the role of government in solving problems that arise from different economic systems. 4. Define privatization and trace the history of privatization. 5. Explain the different […]

What is capitalism and what role does it play in the US Economic and Healthcare Systems? What is a free-market economic system and how does it compare to capitalism? How does public policy affect healthcare in the US and describe how this affects your community?

What is capitalism and what role does it play in the US Economic and Healthcare Systems? What is a free-market economic system and how does it compare to capitalism? How does public policy affect healthcare in the US and describe how this affects your community? resources: https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2015/06/basics.htm https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/102914/main-characteristics-capitalist-economies.asp in HIT- us attachment only 91-102 applies […]

Describe the government policies that restrict International Trade on certain types of imports.

Choose a Country of your own; describe the economic system of the Country in terms of the following: GDP, Disposable Income, Financial System, Trade Balance, Unemployment and Inflation. Utilize data from the past three years. The description should be brief but informative. The focus of your research should be on: Comparative Advantage and International Trade […]

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