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Discuss the various ways in which the new bipolar political order of Heian and Kamakura transformed Japan .

Discuss: 1) the breakdown of the imperial state that lead to the Genpei Wars, 2) the various ways in which the new bipolar political order of Heian and Kamakura transformed Japan . 3) the effect of the attempted Mongol invasions, 4) the cultural legacy of the Genpei wars, 5) political, economic, and cultural developments during […]

Discuss olitical, economic, and cultural developments during the Ashikaga shogunate up to the Ōnin War.

Discuss (in 500 to 700 words) 1) the breakdown of the imperial state that lead to the Genpei Wars, 2) the various ways in which the new bipolar political order of Heian and Kamakura transformed Japan (socially, culturally, economically) 3) the effect of the attempted Mongol invasions, 4) the cultural legacy of the Genpei wars, […]

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