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What do we learn about God – His character and purposes – from this passage, either directly or indirectly?

Theological Interpretation 1. Indicate what your passage is and concisely describe the main point. 2. What do we learn about God – His character and purposes – from this passage, either directly or indirectly? 3. Which categories of systematic theology (soteriology, eschatology, ecclesiology, etc.) does your passage relate to, either directly or indirectly? 4. What […]

Explore how elements of Catholic Social Teaching, which draw on Christian anthropology, might be valuable in your chosen profession.

Pope Francis has a number of profound saying in response to suffering, amongst others, “Lord, help us to recognize you in the sick, poor and suffering”; “Like the Good Samaritan, may we not be ashamed of touching the wounds of those who suffer, but try to heal them with concrete acts of love”; “There is […]

The authors felt a limitation of their study was in defining ‘spirituality.’ State how that can be an obstacle in doing religious counseling.

Spirituality Prompt: In this quantitative study, the authors attempted to investigate the possible relationship between two spirituality variables (religious coping styles and spiritual well-being) and two psychological variables (anxiety and depression). Also studied were differences between those who self-disclosed a spiritual/religious identity and those who did not. Their data analysis concluded that individuals who reported […]

Address the Children’s Beliefs Through Fowler’s Stages of Faith.

Children’s Beliefs The first page of your paper should be a review of the information gleaned from the article, focusing on your target age group that you teach or desire to teach. Be sure to include relationships drawn to other development theories discussed in this class (i.e. Piaget, Erikson, Kohlberg). The second page should discuss […]

The conversation moves around the table with each one in turn expressing their point of view on the perspectives of Daniel and Sharon. Finally, they come to you, “So, what do you think?

Monday Musings The “Monday Musings” Bible study group meets each Monday at the Higher Grounds Coffee Shop for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study. The participants fluctuate from week to week, but Daniel, William, Phyllis, Sharon, and you comprise the nucleus of the group. Each week one of the group takes the lead in the Bible […]

Retell the story and explore their work in the city and how they fought through stereotypes to be instruments of God in the city still. And theirs is the praxis of empowerment.

The Praxis of Their Work in the City : Sister Aimee Semple McPherson, Bishop Barbara Harris, and Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. retell the story and explore their work in the city and how they fought through stereotypes to be instruments of God in the city still. And theirs is the praxis of empowerment.

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