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How does the abstraction necessary to doing complicated science, e.g. studying the invisible world of atoms, call us to look below the surface of received History and complicate that too?

How can science work both as a positive (even dangerously utopian) discourse positing human perfectibility and the order of Nature, and as a dangerously impersonal, dehumanizing discourse that allowed for millions of human “specimens” to be experimented on, and then exterminated during the Holocaust? What does it mean for Levi to turn to science to […]

How does Mark think that a person prepares the way of the Lord?

1. Contextual and linguistic issues A. One of the most striking aspects of the text is the way that it is suffused with the language of the Old Testament. Beyond the two explicit quotations, the depiction of John (2 Kings 1), the announcement of the coming Holy Spirit (Ezek 36, inter alia), proclamation of “the […]

Does God’s Knowledge of the future eliminate man’s free will/choice?

FOR THE WRITER; WRITE 1 PAGE ON “Does God’s Knowledge of the future eliminate man’s free will/choice?” 1. This paper should be focused on knowing the following and include scriptures from the King James Version. 2. We are free moral agents, we can make decisions. There is a plan and a will of God. We […]

Briefly explain Descartes’s causal argument for the existence of God.Explain Pascal’s reasons for thinking that we cannot opt-out of wagering about God’s existence.

1. Briefly explain Descartes’s causal argument for the existence of God. WORK CITED FROM THIS SOURCE: Descartes, Rene Title: Rene Descartes Author: Dr. Justing Skirry; Source: http://www.iep.utm.edu/descarte/ 2. Explain Pascal’s reasons for thinking that we cannot opt-out of wagering about God’s existence. WORK CITED FROM THIS SOURCE: Title: The Argument from Pascal’s Wager; Author: Dr. […]

Explain how the entire talk or your selected idea brings a new insight into your own personal understanding of man’s relation to God, including how it might impact your own experience.

Thought Paper #5 1. Watch the video called “Jeremy Begbie: Theology through the Arts” 2. EITHER: a. Summarize the entire talk OR b. Select some particular idea/example/illustration/principle from the lecture. 3. Explain how the entire talk or your selected idea brings a new insight into your own personal understanding of man’s relation to God, including […]

Reflect on the course content and think about the level of knowledge and skill required to effectively conduct meaningful and accurate quantitative analysis.

Reflect on the course content and think about the level of knowledge and skill required to effectively conduct meaningful and accurate quantitative analysis. Reflect on the Keller book “Every Good Endeavor” and think about God’s plan for how we should handle challenging work, the problems we can face at work, and better ways to honor […]

Examine at least two challenges that affect how all three religions currently relate to each other. Give an example of each challenge to support your observation.

Introduction: Clarify briefly what this essay will accomplish. Develop a timeline showing the historical relationship among Judaism, Christianity and Islam’s beginnings. Indicate their geographical connections, founders, and several key theological divisions within each religion. Choose two (2) elements from the following list: the nature of God, the nature of Jesus, holy books, salvation or social […]

Evaluate the/any explicitly religious references provided in the service (references to g/God, creation, salvation, sin, the world, national identity/diversity.

Evaluate the/any explicitly religious references provided in the service (references to g/God, creation, salvation, sin, the world, national identity/diversity), record any references made to political, social or economic subjects during the service, and provide your evaluation of important spiritual/human subjects addressed in the service (you can’t tell me everything, so choose something significant to you, […]

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