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Describe what you have learned about yourself, God and others through the Rule of Benedict, the texts, the videos and guests.

1. Write a letter. It can be to yourself, or another person, even a made up person. 2. Describe what you have learned about yourself, God and others through the Rule of Benedict, the texts, the videos and guests. You can also integrate other courses you have taken, and authors and lecturers you have read […]

Compare and contrast how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam conceive of the aim of human life.

Question 1: Compare and contrast how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam conceive of the aim of human life. Items you may wish to discuss include: why God created human beings, how he intends them to live, how (or whether) God does anything to save them, how humans can reach their end in God, rituals and practices […]

Explain the core beliefs of rationalism and empiricism, two major intellectual camps in Modern philosophy.

1. Explain the core beliefs of rationalism and empiricism, two major intellectual camps in Modern philosophy. 2. What is the conception of substance crucial to modern philosophers? Explain the different theories of substance in Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz. 3. Analyze Spinoza’s and Leibniz’s treatment of freedom in light of the idea of mechanical determinism. Present […]

When being interviewed by the detectives (one of whom ends being Vincent/Jerome’s long-lost brother!) the Director says “No one exceeds his [genetic] potential.” In your opinion, is this true? Why or why not?

1) Vincent Freeman (a.k.a., Jerome Eugene Morrow, or just “Jerome”) played by Ethan Hawke 2) Jerome Eugene Morrow (a.k.a., “Eugene” after Vincent comes on-scene) played by Jude Law 3) Irene Cassini played by Uma Thurman 4) Anton Freeman played by Loren Dean I) Names play an important role in the tracing personal identity throughout the […]

What is the role of language in Theology? How we use it? Can we use language to articulate God? Does it Limit God? Explain

Description Answer the following 5 questions for a total of 3 pages. 1. Explain the implications of Jesus Christ in Christianity. Please respond to Classical Christology. 2. There are different ways of Listening for God. Please select at least two authors from Listening for God. Explain their response to God. What is your response? 3. […]

Explore the idea of “Finality” in any poems that deal with death. How do these works view the world? Value of life? Spirituality? Afterlife?

Description Any Poem by Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allen Poe, Walt Whitman, or Robert Browning. Compare similarities in metaphor and symbols in the poem(s) have chosen, and make an argument about the effectiveness of these literary devices in conveying the poems’ theme(s). Explore the idea of “Finality” in any poems that deal with death. How do […]

Compare and contrast personal needs, values, and beliefs and how they are impacted by family of origin.

Identify how healthy and unhealthy boundaries are influenced by masks, family of origin, and our relationship with the Lord. Apply essential skills in meaningful communication. Construct methods to implement conflict resolution. Analyze the value of deeper connections when considering the role of chemistry and its impact upon mate selection. Compare and contrast personal needs, values, […]

Explain about suffering in the bible and how that relates to God. Must go over two old testament passages and one new testament passage.

Explain about suffering in the bible and how that relates to God. Must go over two old testament passages and one new testament passage. Must use 8 sources that are scholarly that go over these passages and give their interpretation of them. At least two of these sources must be written by a non white […]

According to Barton’s presentation, the government should not be involved in meeting the needs of the poor. Cite a verse in the Bible that instructs us how to help the poor. Give an example of how this works in your community. Compare the work of charities, the church, or your own activities to a government service that serves the poor in your community. Who provides a better outcome to the recipient? Explain.

Explain the problems confronting the Constitutional Convention in 1787, how they were addressed, and the role of God in the creation of the Constitution. Barton gives a number of examples of scriptural references in the Constitution regarding governance. Name any two governing principles, give the complete text of the applicable scripture verse, and explain how […]

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