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What does the policy of -redlining” refer to? What are the ways in which redlining produces urban segregation?

Writing 1. What does the policy of -redlining” refer to? What are the ways in which redlining produces urban segregation? Cite at least 1 reading and 1 lecture. 2. How does the case of Hurricane Katrina demonstrate that there is no such thing as a natural disaster”? In your answer, please discuss how Hurricane Katrina […]

How should the federal/state government spend monies preparing police for natural disaster response?

• Why is important for policing to prepare for natural disasters? • How effective have police been in natural disasters? • What role does police have in pandemic’s (COVID-19)? • What are the main/featured takeaways on lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina? • How should the federal/state government spend monies preparing police for natural disaster response?

Describe the functions of the National Response Framework.

1. Critique our response to Hurricane Katrina. 2. Describe the functions of the National Response Framework. 3. When a major disaster occurs, the federal government will use a layered response. What is a layered response and how does it work? 4. Explain the preparedness cycle that is part of the National Response Framework. 5. Exercising […]

Briefly describe a scenario where it might be appropriate to use a scholarly source and a scenario where it might be appropriate to use a popular source.

Hurricane Katrina Source Type Analysis Template to this discussion. Briefly describe a scenario where it might be appropriate to use a scholarly source and a scenario where it might be appropriate to use a popular source. Discuss the importance of understanding the differences between scholarly and popular sources.

What coordination and jurisdictional problems did the emergency response to the Pentagon Attack encounter?

Emergency Response to the Pentagon Attack What coordination and jurisdictional problems did the emergency response to the Pentagon Attack encounter? Differences in Response for Pentagon attack and Hurricane Katrina To what extent was the response structured differently for the Pentagon attack than for Hurricane Katrina? What factors contributed to this differing approach? Advanced Preparation Steps […]

Would the suspension of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 and the invocation of the Insurrection Act have affected the outcome of the federal government’s response to Hurricane Katrina?Analyze

Would the suspension of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 and the invocation of the Insurrection Act have affected the outcome of the federal government’s response to Hurricane Katrina? Analyze and evaluate the major points of your case study for research to write your persuasive essay. Use your time to develop a deep understanding of […]

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