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Explain what you mean to be a particular type of people you might explain what it means for example for you to be a musician, an athlete, an feminist a student an activist, an immigrant an African American, What does it mean for you to be in a particular type of people? Explain.

Write an essay in which you identify and define yourself as belonging to a particular social group or being in one particular type of people Explain what you mean to be a particular type of people you might explain what it means for example for you to be a musician, an athlete, an feminist a […]

Develop a full understanding of rhetorical principles.Develop strategies for revising and editing prose.Develop carefully worked out positions on selected issues and questions.

How social media affects mental health Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation, and use absolute precision in applying MLA conventions for signal phrases, in-text citations, and works cited. ENGLISH 102 LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Develop a full understanding of rhetorical principles. 2. Develop strategies for revising and editing prose. 3. Develop carefully worked out positions on […]

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