Discuss: kinship and how the movies and articles convey these messages.
Discuss: kinship and how the movies and articles convey these messages.
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Discuss: kinship and how the movies and articles convey these messages.
Part One | Are gender and age cultural or biological phenomena? How are gender and age used by different groups in different ways to organize society, the division of labor, and governance? Use specific examples from readings and lectures, and cite at least two course texts (can include Eriksen). Part Two | What is kinship, […]
Explainwhatyourplanwouldinvolveandtellmehoweachaspectofyourplanaddressesorissupportedbyoneofthefactorslistedbelow.Thereisalotofroomforcreativityhere,butkeepinmindthatyourprogramMUSTaddress4ofthe6aspectsofaltruisticbehaviourbelow. 1.Reciprocitynorm2.Social responsibility norm3.Kinship 4.Observation all earning5.Emotions(e.g.,fear,guilt) 6.IntrinsicrewardsWhileeachofyourplanswillbeuniqueandI’meagertoreadthecreativethingsyoucomeupwith,youMUSTchoosestrategiestoimproveCanada’sblooddonationratesthatfallintooneormoreofthefollowingcategories: •Thecontentanddistributionofadvertisements(e.g.,paper-basedads,TVcommercials,socialmedia,hashtags)for blood donation. •Whatrolethateducators,nurses,anddoctorscouldplayinencouragingblooddonationintheirstudentsorpatients. •How your plan would try to combat or reduce the fears often associated with the process of donating blood. •How your plan could make use of the power of intrinsic (rather than extrinsic)rewards. •What emotions you could play on or try to influence […]
Asian American Family and Kinship Select a topic that relates to Asian American family and kinship to explore more deeply. This can be a theme or topic we discussed in class that you would like to learn more about or an outside topic. Conduct outside research on this topic and write an analytical paper about […]