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In what ways could the new agreement have been improved to be viewed as more just and fair?

http://archive.jsonline.com/business/70634202.html Pa. Harley workers approve 7-year contract Description: The typical view of labor-management relations is that interactions are heated. However, many unions and management teams work together effectively. One example is Harley-Davidson, which had to recently reduce costs in its York factory because of recessionary pressures. The plant was antiquated, labor costs were high, and […]

Describe what factors the organization should have considered regarding the impact its decision would have on labor relations.Explain what issues specific to labor management and collective bargaining arose as a result of this issue.

Collective bargaining and labor management of the New England Patriots  Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Describe what factors the organization should have considered regarding the impact its decision would have on labor relations. Explain what issues specific to labor management and collective bargaining arose as a result of this issue. Analyze whether […]

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