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Share your thoughts about the problem of methamphetamine addiction and how it could be treated or how its use could be prevented.

Read a section of the Counselor’s Family Education Manual for People with Stimulant Use Disorders https://store.samhsa.gov/product/matrix-intensive-outpatient-treatment-for-people-with-stimulant-use-disorders-counselor-s-family-education-manual-w-cd/SMA15-4153 Share your thoughts about the problem of methamphetamine addiction and how it could be treated or how its use could be prevented.

Discuss about marijuana as well because depending on the state or region in which you reside, perspectives may vary.

select at least 2 illegal drugs (opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.) and compare with alcohol, nicotine or caffeine) and discuss in terms of the effects on the body, mind and society. You may discuss also in terms of the legalities and treatment perspectives when doing your comparisons. Feel free to include a discuss about marijuana as […]

Do you think laws controlling the sale of pseudoephedrine will impact the meth epidemic? Why or why not? Be sure to explain WHY or WHY NOT.

Available from The video takes a look at the effects of methamphetamine on the brain of its users, the correlation between the drug’s supply and addiction rates, and how the first state affected by the epidemic (Oregon) addressed treating its population of addicts. Reflect on the report and apply what you have learned from Chapter […]

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