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Explain what your nursing diagnosis is (What is the main problem for this patient? What need to be addressed?)

Case study In order to write a case study paper, you must carefully address a number of sections in a specific order with specific information contained in each. The guideline below outlines each of those sections. Section Information to Include Introduction (patient and problem) Explain who the patient is (Age, gender, etc.) Explain what the […]

Describe the chronic relapsing inflammatory bowel diseases , and summarize the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment recommendations for each.

Nursing Select one of the following discussion prompts to address: Describe the pathophysiology of celiac disease, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment. What are the differences between non-celiac gluten sensitivity and celiac disease? What trends, if any, have you noticed among the following conditions? Describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease […]

Discuss What the disease is (pathophysiology), what the patient can expect to experience, and the etiology of the disease?

Nursing Disease = Cerebrovascular accident A trifold brochure of their assigned topic in lieu of a group project worth 100 points. This is to be written on a 5 to 6th-grade level designed to provide teaching to a patient (in your own words). The brochure needs to entail the following: What the disease is (pathophysiology), […]

Write out how would you define this diagnosis to the patient.

Cirrhosis. Write out how would you define this diagnosis to the patient Etiology of disease process Pathophysiology (describe body processes causing this disease/disorder) Expected laboratory and diagnostic tests Top 3 actual or high-risk nursing diagnoses Learning takeaways from this assignment References must be scholarly resources and not (Wiki, mayoclinic, medscape)


Nursing 1st page: History of Present Illness: WHAT BROUGHT THE PT TO THE HOSPITAL? WHAT EVENTS LEAD UP TO THIS? WHAT HAPPENED WHEN THEY GOT TO THE HOSPITAL- UNTIL NOW WHEN YOU ARE PROVIDING CARE? Medical History: For all 4 diseases identified, define, it, describe pathophysiology, and cite source Surgical History: For c-section procedure, define […]

Compare and contrast a scientific understanding to the one presented in the book.

Nursing In the second part of the assignment, the student will then explore the disease in the pathophysiology textbook and compare and contrast a scientific understanding to the one presented in the book. Begin your search of the literature to include at least three (3) additional scholarly sources to be incorporated into the discussion. Use […]

Address how Heart Failure impacts the ELDERLY.

Create a PowerPoint presentation on Congestive Heart Failure. Must include an introduction, incidence, prevalence (from a global perspective), pathophysiology of heart failure at the cellular level, existing prevention/therapeutic measures, and current or future research relevant to Congestive Heart failure. The presentation must specifically address how Heart Failure impacts the ELDERLY. Power Point should utilize graphics […]

Provide recommendations for alternative drug treatments to address the patient’s pathophysiology.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses from Week 9 and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who were assigned a different patient case study, and provide recommendations for alternative drug treatments to address the patient’s pathophysiology. Be specific and provide examples. Each discussion requires two references.

Prepare a 3-5 page paper outlining the causes of asthma, the symptoms that the client presents and the management of the disorder.

Content: J.S. is a 42-year-old man who lives in the Midwest and is highly allergic to dust and pollen and has a history of mild asthma. J.S’s wife drove him to the emergency room when his wheezing was unresponsive to his fluticasone/salmeterol (Advair) inhaler. J.S. was unable to lie down, and began to use accessory […]

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