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Describe how the conviction was appealed and whether the defendant received any reparations.

Indicate if the wrongful conviction was based upon unethical practices by the police, court, probationary personnel, or witnesses. Describe how the conviction was appealed and whether the defendant received any reparations. Indicate if the justice system targeted those responsible for the wrongful conviction and whether they were prosecuted for their conduct. Describe what could be […]

Is being both a crime fighter and a public servant too much to ask of the police? Does society need to choose what they want police to be, or are both reasonable to expect?

Is being both a crime fighter and a public servant too much to ask of the police? Does society need to choose what they want police to be, or are both reasonable to expect? Be sure to explain your answer, providing examples as needed.

Should the country rethink policing in view of recent issues involving police violence?

Choose one of the following Writing Suggestions or you may choose a topic relevant to your career or studies. The topic must be debatable (have two opposing sides), research based (use facts, not personal opinion) and relevant to your career. See page 172 for further guidance. HEALTHCARE: Should mask mandates be enforced during times of […]

Analyze ways members of the general public can protect themselves against identity thieves.

Pablos Holman at Tedx Midwests (https://www.youtube.com/user/TEDxTalks) video. Explain the various ways identity theft can occur. Identify the types of information identity thieves are most likely to target. Analyze ways members of the general public can protect themselves against identity thieves. Analyze techniques members of law enforcement can use to combat identity theft and the legal […]

How do the police engage in the identification and enforcement of morality? What are the implications of having the police enforce standards of behavior? Do the police, in fact, decide what appropriate moral behavior is?

The police are organized around the enforcement of not only the criminal law but also of moral behavior generally. How do the police engage in the identification and enforcement of morality? What are the implications of having the police enforce standards of behavior? Do the police, in fact, decide what appropriate moral behavior is?

Discuss the possible differences and possible tension points between prosecutors and police.

1. Does the role of shared decision making violate the principles of the adversary system because cooperation among the courthouse actors may translate into a culture where defendant’s rights fail to have any real meaning? 2. Discuss the possible differences and possible tension points between prosecutors and police. 3. In what ways does the courtroom […]

Explore who is impacted by this challenge – think about links to artefact one and the wider process.

‘’Police services need to be confident that crime scene investigators are gaining reliable information from the aggrieved, are using this information to target their examinations appropriately, and to inform appropriate evidence recovery in volume crime cases’’ ● Explore who is impacted by this challenge – think about links to artefact one and the wider process […]

How can police conduct a proper line-up procedure? What might be some of the practical limitations to the line-up procedure?

• What limitations do courts impose on police in the use of deception in interrogation of suspects? • If a suspect invokes their 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination, are the police prohibited from asking any questions? How long does the invocation of the right against self-incrimination last? When might the police be able to begin […]

Summarize Kaba’s argument, evaluate her argument, and respond to her main point(s).

COMPOSE a summary and response to “Yes We Mean Literally Abolish the Police.” 1. Summarize Kaba’s argument, evaluate her argument, and respond to her main point(s). 2. Provide details, examples, and evidence to substantiate your points 3. Write in academic language and adopt a tone appropriate for scholarly discourse 4. Use transitions within paragraphs, between […]

What factors play a part in this catastrophic dilemma in the Black community? What do you think contributes to the negative and deadly reactions by the police?

Some urban African American communities are plagued with gun violence. Data reported recently show that in Chicago alone over 750 murders have been committed in 2016, which is double that of California and New York. What factors play a part in this catastrophic dilemma in the Black community? What do you think contributes to the […]

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