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How has the economic crisis of 2008 and subsequent cutbacks to the welfare state contributed to the rise of populism in Western democracies and what progressive alternatives are there to this populism?

Essay topic:“How has the economic crisis of 2008 and subsequent cutbacks to the welfare state contributed to the rise of populism in Western democracies and what progressive alternatives are there to this populism?”

Analyze why the Region has shown proclivity to incubate populist leaders and why these leaders have obtained (in so many occasions) unrestricted support and appreciation from the masses.

Populism has been a staple in Latin American politics. Please analyze why the Region has shown proclivity to incubate populist leaders and why these leaders have obtained (in so many occasions) unrestricted support and appreciation from the masses. These analysis questions are away for students to think critically but also engage with one another. Responses […]

Why are populists appeals and populist language or discourse used by both Democrats and Republicans?

This week we read and discuss the rise of populism and populist nationalism as a global phenomenon. The key reading is Rogers Brubaker’s article “Why Populism?” In the article Brubaker notes that populism is not an ideology, but “a discursive and stylistic repertoire (p.360) …[an] evolving set of relatively standardized elements (p.360)…built around a core […]

Looking to the Future from a Bridge in the Past: A Comparison of the populisms of Turkey and England

The subject of this dissertation is populism. Specifically, post-imperial populism, and whether being a post-imperial country lends itself to the development of populism by feeding a yearning for the past; if does, what the “trigger” for this are. The hypothesis is that, in post-imperial countries such as Turkey or England the myths of the past […]

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