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Identify a book or movie in which a hero overcomes seemingly impossible odds to find freedom. Who or what holds the hero captive?

Traditional heroes are often superhuman. We look up to them because they are braver, stronger, more clever, or more unwilling to sacrifice their principles than we. Antiheroes, on the other hand, are very human. Like us, they have faults, make mistakes, and puzzle over difficult decisions. In the end, however, antiheroes usually do the “right […]

Explain why the issue is significant in public administration today: who are the key stakeholders, what are the competing interests at work, and what challenges do you see in solving this public administration “puzzle.”

1. A brief summary of the issue you are targeting: what is the issue, and how did this become a public administration “puzzle” (no more than one page). 2. Explain why the issue is significant in public administration today: who are the key stakeholders, what are the competing interests at work, and what challenges do […]

Are voters of anti-immigration parties truly anti-immigrants or is it blatant islamophobia ?Are anti-immigration party voters in France influenced by anti-immigration views or is it just ignorant and veiled anti-islamist views?

Instructions: approximately 500 words introducing 1. the topic, 2. Research puzzle or research question that will guide your research on the chosen topic 3. reason why your research question is relevant and worth researching. Find Ideas or inspiration in facts, data, and discussions in class. No answering your own question! Your essay should just involve […]

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