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What do we know of this lost work, its author, its genre and its original literary and historical context?Discuss

Description Case Study: The new fragments of Sappho- the brothers poem/song. Your essay should address all of the following questions: • What do we know of this lost work, its author, its genre and its original literary and historical context? • What types of evidence do we possess for this lost work, and what are […]

Selecting either the poems of Sappho or The Tale of Genji, offer a discussion of how either author portrays or defines the cultural roles of men and women. How does this understanding of gender differ from the works of the ancient Greek writers we have read?

Question: Sappho and Murasaki Shikibu represent the first two female authors we have encountered in this course. In your Week 1 paper, you were asked to consider how gender is portrayed in The Odyssey. Additionally, in our Week 2 reading of Antigone, gender roles played a pivotal part in the conflict between Creon and the […]

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