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Based on your ratings, summarize your strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Clinical Skills Assignment Using the Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form: Rate yourself according to your confidence level performing the procedures identified on the Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form. Based on your ratings, summarize your strengths and opportunities for improvement. Based on your self-assessment and theory of nursing practice, develop 3–4 goals and objectives […]

How well did your high school classes prepare you for college writing? What types of writing and reading assignments were required? Did you write many papers in high school?

In at least 250 words, formatted according to MLA guidelines (12pt type, double-spaced, etc.), answer the following prompts. How well did your high school classes prepare you for college writing? What types of writing and reading assignments were required? Did you write many papers in high school? Did your high school teachers focus much on […]

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